[Special Active] Levering his Nasod Arm, Raven rapidly shoots as many blasts of heat as he can, dealing heavy cumulative damage.


SP Requirement
Weapon Taker
65 SP

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Overheat Normal Overheat
1 113% 63% 40 +30 300MP 30 Seconds
2 136% 76%
3 156% 88%
4 181% 101%
5 (M) 215% 120%
6 % %
7 284% 158%


Skill Level Normal Overheat MP Usage Cooldown
Damage Total Damage Max Hits Damage Total Damage Max Hits
1 % % 40 % % 70 250MP 30 Seconds
2 % % % %
3 % % % %
4 % % % %
5 (M) 149% 5960% 5960%+80% Per shot 8360%
6 172% 6880% 6880%+92% Per Shot 9640%

Tips and Details

  • This skill can cause Overheat.
    • When Overheated, the blasts will deal more damage along with more hits.
  • Very similar to Seven Burst, except x10 the fire balls and lacking an endblast.
  • Very high damaging Skill, good for Bosses.
  • After 1 week Weapon Taker was release, they changed the shots to spray out random, rather then a straight line.
    • This makes it hard to get all 70 hits on a targets.
    • Best used when the opponent is pressed against the wall to ensure maximum hits.
  • Opponents can not mana break this skill if they are point blank as shots are too fast to Mana Break.
  • In 29/3/12 KR patch, the damage is reduced and the pushrate is increased.
