Witch's Broom

Witch's Broom
(마녀의 빗자루)
A decorative broom made to look like a Witch's Broom. Is it... really just for show?
Z Attack X Attack C Attack
Z Attack
Fire 3 spirit fire that pierces and explodes.
Pierce: 41%
Explode: 124%
Jump Z, Dash-jump Z
Fire 3 spirit fire diagonally downwards that will pierce then explode.
Pierce: 41%
Explode: 124%
X Attack
Summon 10 ghosts that will haunt your enemies. Can also be activated midair.
Pierce: 38%
Explode: 114%
Mystery Wave
Shoot unknown energy waves on both sides.
Wave: 240% Multiple Hits
 Special Movement (Broom Broom)
Possible to Air Dash 2 times. Press after jumping.
 Elemental Activation Chance (Trick of the Spirit)
Burning and Plague (+2%)