Sandstorm Preview.gif
Sandstorm Preview.gif
File:SI Sandstorm.png
[Special Active - Destruction] Elsword prepares a stance and summons a wide sandstorm that sends any enemy flying up into the air while dealing heavy damage and lowering their Accuracy.


SP Requirement
Lord Knight

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Physical) Accuracy Decrease Debuff Duration Max Hits Mp Usage Cooldown
1 121%
9 Seconds
200 MP
10 Seconds
2 145%
10 Seconds
3 170%
12 Seconds
4 194%
13 Seconds
5 (M) 230%
15 Seconds
6 266%
17 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • Incredible vertical range makes it the perfect skill for flying enemies. Has also very respectable horizontal range.
  • Elsword is able to move and act while the skill is still happening, allowing him to attack his opponents caught in it for additional damage, and not allowing them to get knocked down after the skill ends if done right, continuing his combos.
    • At times, it's also possible to reset the Knockdown Counter this way, because the extra attacks might cause the opponents to reach their KD limit, thus causing them to drop and reset the Counter, but are caught before they reach the ground due to Sandstorm's own hits or from more extra attacks from Elsword, since they are airborne. (Needs confirmation.)
  • This skill is very useful in both PvP and PvE, however, in PvP, Elsword must be aware that the skill might restore considerable amount of MP to his opponents, due to it delivering 12 hits.
  • A great skill for getting Elsword into his Aura of Vitality state quickly (especially with extra mid-air X attacks) while also delivering good and MP-efficient damage, as well as to continue and/or extend combos.
  • The accuracy debuff actually works more like a stacking of the dodge attribute for whoever the debuffed character tries to attack. For example, if the debuffed character has 0% hit rate and it tries to attack someone that has 20% dodge, the character has 40% of chance to miss each attack during the debuff. (Needs confirmation.)
