Steel Edge

Revision as of 21:33, 31 January 2013 by OmegaSoul (talk | contribs) (→‎Skill Information: btw I couldnt put the berserk thing on main chung page because its protected)

[Special Active] Chung strikes the enemy twice with the destroyer then charges the destroyer and fires a circular explosion before him.


SP Requirement
Fury Guardian

Skill Information

Skill Level
Swings (x2) (Physical Damage) Explosion (Magical Damage) Max Hits MP Usage Cool Down
1 53% 599% 3 100 MP 5 Seconds
2 52% 606%
3 60% 707%
4 85% 958%
5 (M) 100% 1137%
6 116% 1317%

Skill Note

Name: Spirit Cannon(KR)

Description: Explosion range increased by 30% and no longer uses ammo.

Tips and Details

  • Steel Edge requires and consumes 1 ammo on use.
  • The explosion ignores the target's magical defense.
    • It also bypasses enemy defense upgrades (like Magic Defense Up, Physical Defense Up) but it does not do full damage on enemies that are knocked down, or enemies that are blocking.
  • Steel Edge's first hit turns shield mobs around, allowing the 2nd and 3rd hit to do full damage, unless the shield mob is Super Armored.
    • It also causes the enemy to flinch.
  • Steel Edge is renamed to Soul Breaker in the Japanese version of Elsword.
    • This was changed back to Steel Edge after the updates of Iron Paladin and Deadly Chaser in Japan, along with Lunatic Fury, due to pronounciation issues.
  • Steel Edge is useful for sweeping the enemy; it is an effective finisher move, as it can be chained to ZZX.
