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Full Name
Class Tree
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Release Date
6 December 2018
3 January 2019
3 January 2019
9 January 2019
File:Flag-tw.png 10 January 2019
하나, 둘, 셋! 좋아, 재밌는 거 하러 갈까 니샤?

Sparky Child

[Amateur fighter who is progressively becoming stronger]

A class that uses close-combat skills that she learned from her teacher.
Her curious nature leads to accepting things easily and improve exponentially.

[Hang On!]
[Swirly Punch]
[Super Laby Bomb]
[I Respect You]


항구에 도착한 라비는 그곳의 몬스터로부터 예전의 친구를 떠올리고, 곧 니샤에게서 원인 모를 불쾌한 기운이 느껴지는 것을 알아차린다. 불쾌감을 털어내기 위해 벨론드의 수련에만 집중하던 라비는 수련한 만큼 강해지는 스스로의 힘에 깊은 흥미를 느낀다.

하지만 정작 떨쳐내려 했던 감정은 전투를 거듭할수록 생생해지기만 하고, 라비는 불쾌함의 원인인 니샤와 함께 전투를 하는 것에 버거움을 느낀다. 그러나 지금까지 계속 자신의 곁을 지켜준 니샤와 멀어지고 싶지 않았던 라비는 고민 끝에 수련할수록 강해지던 자신의 힘을 떠올린다.

니샤의 도움 없이 자신의 힘만을 사용해 전투한다면 니샤에게 불쾌감을 느낄 일도, 헤어져야 하는 일도 없을 거라 판단한 라비는 스스로의 힘을 강화하고 새로운 기술을 익히는데 전력을 쏟는다.

First Class Advancement

Skill Tree

Skills Passives
    Level 15
      Level 25
      Level 30
      Level 35
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 40.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 2nd job class.

Additional Combos

  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.05x multiplier during 1st job.
Combo Description Damage
File:SparkyChildCombo1.png Flailing Dash

After attacking enemies with a dash, flail your arms wildly to continuously attack enemies while in Super Armor.

  169% Phy. Damage
  28% Phy. Damage x7

File:SparkyChildCombo2.png Dive Stomp

After doing two aerial attacks, dive straight down and stomp the ground. You will be in Super Armor for a short time upon hitting the ground.

  183% Phy. Damage
  161% Phy. Damage
  307% Phy. Damage + 215% Phy. Damage


Sparky Child/Skills





  • Various tooltips and icons of this path's skills refer to her teacher, Gaia, as he teaches her how to fend for herself during their time together.
  • Sparky Child is shown wearing a small accessory in the shape of her friend from the Black Forest.
  • As Sparky Child refuses to use Nisha and wants to be more powerful by her own strength, none of the skills or new commands involve her at all.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 스파키 차일드 Sparky Child
  China (Simplified Chinese) 活力萌萝 Sparky Loli
