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Acquire Level 29
Clear 4-1

Clear 4-1 with 25 hits or less A symbol of a veteran that fought in many wars.

Physical Attack +20
Magical Attack +20
Attack Speed +2%
MP Gain when attacked +2%

Street Cleaner Achieve Level 32


  • 10 Alterasia
  • 10 Alterasia Spore in 4-3
A token for cleaning the Transporting Tunnel B4-1.

Physical Defense +30
Magical Defense +30
Nature Resistance +50
Poisoning Effect +1% (when using nature attributed weapon)

Hero of Ponggos Achieve Level 35
Clear 4-6 once
Clear 4-6 twice The token given to whom defeated King Nasod and return Altera to Ponggos.

Physical Attack +10
Magical Attack +10
Light Resistance +50
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Petrifying Effect +1% (when using light attributed weapon)

Supersonic Achieve Level 35
Clear 4-6 once
Clear 4-6 under 8 minutes I am faster than anyone!

Movement Speed +9%
Jump Speed +9%
Attack Speed +2%

Secret Buster Achieve Level 35

Clear Wally's Underground Laboratory 5 times within 25 minutes
Clear Dragon Nest: Abyss 5 times within 25 minutes
Clear Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area 5 times within 25 minutes
Clear Velder's Hallucination 5 times within 25 minutes
Clear Temple of Trials 5 times within 25 minutes
Clear The Rage of Behemoth 5 times within 25 minutes
Clear Grand Cavern: The Source of Demonic Energy 5 times within 25 minutes

If you keep fighting boss monsters, then you can easily predict their moves.

Max HP +2%
Physical Attack +125
Magical Attack+125
+15% chance to evade Nasod Inspector's, Ancient Bone Dragon's, Alterasia Type-H's, Sullen Joaquin's, Corrupt Destroyer Helputt's and Enraged Manifestation's attacks.

Purifier Clear Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area 199 times

Critical Hit Rate +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Deal 15% more damage to Alterasia Type-H (Dungeon)
15% chance to avoid Alterasia Type-H's attacks
Curse Resistance +50% (Dungeon)
Poison Resistance +50%