File:Reflect Kick.png
[Active] Rena performs a stationary somersault. Kicks and lifts, straight up, nearby mobs.


SP Requirement
Sniping Ranger
55 SP
Combat Ranger
Trapping Ranger

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max Hits Mp Usage Cooldown
Kick Reflected Projectiles
1 200% 200% 1 30 MP 6 Seconds
2 250% 250%
3 (M) 300% 300%
4 350% 350%
5 400% 400%

Skill Note

Name: Nimble Landing Ⅱ(NA) / Re-bound Opportunity II(KR)

Description: Reduces cooldown by 1 second.

Tips and Details

  • The kicking motion can reflect magical projectile attack.
  • Can be useful in 5-3's boss fight and 5-4 as it can reflect the arrows of the background archers. Also very useful to reflect Magic Missile in the Dragon's Nest.
  • Has a lengthy range; hits a bit above and behind you.
  • Has instant activation, meaning it cannot be intercepted once triggered.
  • Reflect Kick can be chained to drastically increase the damage of the reflected projectile. (For example: 1st Kick: 500*300% = 1500, 2nd Kick: 1500*300% = 4500 and so on.)
  • Permanent Lv. 7 Reflective Kick is possible in PvP, with the actives skill ring, Sudden Attack top, 4 pieces of the old (in KR) Lv. 60 PvP set, and the epic NPC title "Self-Destructive Acceleration" (defeat Q-PROTO_00 41 times).

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