[Special Active] Chung shoots his cannon 135 degrees downwards in midair, bombarding the area with cannonballs.


SP Requirement
Skill Requirement
Shooting Guardian
Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage (Magical) Max hit MP Usage Cool Down
First 5 Cannonballs Final Cannonball
1 363% 727% 12 Hits 200 MP 10 Seconds
2 436% 872%
3 509% 1017%
4 581% 1163%
5 (M) 690% 1381%
6 799% 1599%

Tips and Details

  • Comet Crasher is unlocked through the Intermediate Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv30 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • Requires a minimum of 3 cannonballs and maximum of 6 can be launched.
    • Each cannonball also deals 72.41%~72.5% magical damage when hit targets, prior to the main damage dealt when make contact with the ground. (Not shown in the skill description)
  • This skill can only be used in midair.
  • Using this skill in Awakening Mode will increase the AOE radius.
  • Currently bugged; each hit registers as 6 instead of 1, majorly increasing its MP regeneration. In PvP its damage is also bugged, being much stronger then skills that do more total %.
