File:Queen's Throne.PNG [Special Active] Eve releases the Exotic Code's restricted mode and amplifies her power, releasing a shockwave which causes damage. All of Moby and Reby's basic attacks will be augmented with spears for the skill's duration.


Class Master SP Requirement
Code Exotic
65 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Summon Damage
Full Generate Mode MP Usage Cooldown
Stinger Damage Duration
1 490% 84% 30 Seconds 250 MP 30 Seconds
2 588% 101%
3 686% 118%
4 784% 134%
5 (M) 931% 160%
6 1078% 185%
7 1225% 210%

Tips and Details

  • Damage and range is greatly increased during this time. This is because the drones are augmented with spears for the duration.
  • Knockdown values are reduced during the skill's duration.
  • Full Generate Mode deals a different amount of extra magical hits for each gear combo, and changes the nature of the Electron Ball combo's final blow. It also causes Nemesis' >>Z[XX] combo to grow stronger.
    • All five hits of ZZZZ deal 1 extra hit each.
    • The Electron Triangle of XXX will increase in size over time and will carry enemies, dealing multiple hits.
    • Despite ^X normally doing 2 hits, it only deals 1 extra hit. However, because it does 2 regular hits it has faster MP gain.
    • All hits of ^Z and >>^ZZZ deal 2 extra hits each. Some hits may require a bigger enemy to connect.
    • As Eve can still be knocked down during the skill, one should be cautious of enemies going super armor due to the number of hits. One way to circumvent such a problem is to use an equipment set/title that has a chance of activating super armor on being hit, which would prevent Eve from being knocked down. However, such sets/titles are unfortunately pretty much low leveled/rare.
  • Eve can perform as many horizontal air dashes until she reaches the ground in Full Generate Mode. However, vertical air dashes are still limited to one.
  • Beware of using this skill's drone attacks in PvP. Despite doing a lot of damage along with Queen's Throne, drone attacks usually have higher knockdown values, and Queen's Throne has several hits...allowing high MP return to the opponent, and earlier knockdown, which can result in the opponent landing a high-damaging revenge killer on you.
  • This skill has a defect; if your opponent (or party) does not have good latency or frame rate (only your fps if in a party), this skill will not be registered as active.


  • 3/29/12 KR
    • No longer drains MP per hit.
    • Increased Summon damage.
    • Decreased MP cost.
    • Stinger catches after ZZZZ.


  • When this skill starts, small yellow font that says, "HELLO WORLD, FULL GENERATE MODE START", appears.
  • This is the second skill that affects a weapon's range, the first being Sword Knight's Armageddon Blade.
