Automatically block attacks.


Class Level Required
Sword Knight 40

Skill Information


Skill Level Level Required Auto Guard Chance Cooldown
1 40 6% 45 Seconds
2 46 10%
3 47 14%
4 93 18%


Skill Level Level Required Auto Guard Chance
1 40 3%
2 46 5%
3 47 7%
4 93 9%

Tips and Details

  • Guard works differently than other blocking passives since it places Elsword into his block stance before he actually gets hit.
  • When this passive activates, a burst similar to monster's stoic burst will be triggered, which will knock enemies down.


Date Changes
07/04/2013 -
  • Fixed problem where the reduced damage wasn't applied when passive was activated.
11/07/2013 -

Chance to block will increase.

06/26/2014 -

Gains 1 extra MP when auto guard is triggered.

 % changed and more % is added depending on "Block" skill's level.

02/05/2015 -

Auto Guard Chance increased.

02/12/2015 -
  • Fixed issue where auto guard activated even in invincible state.
07/30/2015 -

Receive 0 damage for hit that activates it.

Changed so Auto Guard lasts long as enemy's attack.

Can use roll skill while in Auto Guard.

  • None

Has 15 second cooldown in PvP.

10/29/2015 03/16/2016

Activation Chance Increased.

  • None

Internal PvP cooldown time decreased.

10/13/2016 11/23/2016
  • None

PvP cooldown Increased.

12/01/2016 -

Cooldown in PvE added.

  • None
04/27/2017 -

Activation Chance decreased.

Cooldown increased.

07/27/2017 -

Nearby enemies will be knocked down by a burst when activated.

Cannot use Roll during Auto Guard.

06/20/2019 -
  • Auto Guard removed.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 오토 가드 Auto Guard
  Japan オートガード Auto Guard
  China (Simplified Chinese) 自动格挡 Auto Guard
  Germany Blockreflex Block Reflex
  Spain Bloqueo automático Auto Block
  France Réflexe défensif Defense Reflex
  Italy Reflex del blocco Block Reflex
  Poland Refleks Blokowy Block Reflex
  United Kingdom Block Reflex
  Brazil Autobloqueio Auto Block
