[Active] Raven performs an overhead smash with his Nasod arm, and then triggers an explosion, recoiling his arm back, debuffing enemies with evasion reduction.


Class Master SP Requirement Skill Requirement
Weapon Taker Lv.5 40 SP Skill Quest

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage
Debuff Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Dodge Reduction Duration
1 263% 10% 4 Seconds 1 30 MP 5 Seconds
2 292% 20% 5 Seconds
3 324% 30% 6 Seconds
4 360% 40% 7 Seconds
5 (M) 400% 50% 8 Seconds


Skill Level Damage(Magical) Debuff Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Lv.5 Air Slicer Dodge Reduction Duration
1 400% 480% 10% 4 Seconds 1 30 MP 5 Seconds
2 450% 540% 20% 5 Seconds
3 500% 600% 30% 6 Seconds
4 550% 660% 40% 7 Seconds
5 (M) 600% 720% 50% 8 Seconds
6 650% 780% 60% 9 Seconds
7 700% 860% 70% 10 Seconds

Skill Note

Name: Dense Gunpowder (농밀한 화약 -"Dense Powder")

Description: After using Barrage Attack, it will leave behind black dust that continues to damage enemies for 5 seconds.

  • Does about ~89% Magical Damage per second.

Tips and Details

  • Barrage Attack is unlocked through the Low Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv.20 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • This skill is affected by Air Slicer.
  • This skill does not launch when used on the ground.
    • When used in the air, targets will be launched. The activation is also considerably faster.
  • Barrage Attack's skill note will cause the duration of the debuff to reset every time the target takes a tick of damage from the cloud.
  • To get the full damage of Barrage Attack's skill note, trap the mob or player against a wall and continue to attack so they can not escape the cloud.
  • If used close enough to a ledge, Barrage Attack will do its Air Slicer animation.


  • 3/29/2012 KR
    • Increased damage.


  • In the NA server, this move has been renamed as Haze Explosion.
