Lightning Shower

Revision as of 14:13, 20 July 2019 by ED Senne (talk | contribs) (Forgot about them just going poof when too close to a wall ;x;)
[Special Active: Strength]
Drop multiple lightning bolts nearby. (Can also be activated in midair)
Available for Memorize
  • This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize Stance. (Stand still for 2 seconds while in MP recovery state)
  • Press V to activate the memorized skills in order.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Elemental Master 45 Advanced Training Skill Quest

Skill Information


Level Required Damage (Magical) Number of Lightning Bolts Faint Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Minimum Maximum Initial Additional
45 357% 9 22 3 Seconds 150 MP 6~72 MP 18 Seconds
[Enhanced] 428%


Level Required Damage (Magical)
45 87%
[Enhanced] 104%

Skill Traits

Gigantic Lightning Shower Killing-Blow (1) Lightning Shower
Attribute Effect Attribute Effect Stun Duration
Skill size increased to 130% Skill effect's duration increased to 140% 4.2 Seconds

Related Skills

  Forbidden Secret Manual (II) is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Power of Transcendence Skill Quest or Item Mall.

Tips and Details

  • Just like Meteor Shower, the skill will always consume at least 6 additional MP, even if you simply tapped the skill key. However, in this case, it will also automatically summon 1 additional lightning bolt, making it technically summon a minimum of 10 lightning bolts.
    • This is made even more clear by the Archmage passive, as it will use the base 9 lightning bolts to decide the amount you summon additionally.
  • The lightning bolts fall randomly in a set area around you, so in rare and unlucky circumstances, you can miss any given target within said area entirely with this skill. Likewise, in equally rare circumstances, it's possible for them to all spawn in about the same area, hitting an enemy with every bolt.
    • The Gigantic trait increases the size of each lightning bolt, but not the area in which they can spawn in, making it quite a bit more reliable.
    • On average, the skill will hit 4 times normally and 10 times when extended, making [Enhanced] Lightning Shower deal a total average of 1,712%~4,280% (416%~1,040% in PvP) Magical Damage.
    • Assuming all lightning bolts hit the same target (which is relatively common on the likes of Bone Dragon or Drabaki), [Enhanced] Lightning Shower can do a total of 4,280%~9,416% (1,040%~2,288% in PvP) Magical Damage.
    • The lightning bolts cannot spawn in inaccessible areas (such as in walls), but will still attempt to do so, causing them to simply not appear at all. This is especially notable for Bone Dragon and Gate of Darkness, as the area where the boss or gate is is considered a wall. It is better to back up a little to ensure all the bolts are able to spawn.
  • Lightning Shower has an enormous (possibly infinite) vertical range and pierces through all platforms above, stopping at the closest platform under the player.
  • Aisha will be invincible during the activation of this skill. When extending this skill, Aisha will have Super Armor, granting 30% damage reduction and immunity to Stun and Flattening.
  • This skill is great against players that are Super Armored, due to its range and hits.
  • When used with Memorize, extending it will still cost MP.


Date Changes
07/04/2013 -

Initial firing amount increased.

  • Changed hitbox in places where there's platforms.
09/12/2013 -

Range reduced by 20% and number of lightning strikes also reduced.

Stun duration decrease by 1 Second.

10/06/2014 -
  • Fixed issue where skill effect didn't show up on steep platforms.
11/06/2014 -

Stun duration decreased to 1 Second.

06/30/2016 07/13/2016

Stun duration increased to 3 Seconds.

Mini Number of Lightning Bolts increased. (Unlisted)

Max Number of Lightning Bolts increased. (Unlisted)

Additional MP Usage decreased. (Unlisted)

  • Absorbing attribute changed to be Gigantic.
  • Reversed attribute changed to be Killing Blow (1).
01/25/2017 -

Damage increased.

04/27/2017 -

Damage increased.

  • None
07/27/2017 -

Damage increased.

11/02/2017 11/15/2017

Damage decreased.

04/05/2018 04/18/2018

Damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 라이트닝 샤워 Lightning Shower
  Japan ライトニングシャワー Lightning Shower
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 電光暴雨 Lightning Rainstorm
  China (Simplified Chinese) 电闪雷鸣 Lightning and Thunder
  Germany Blitzregen Lightning Shower
  Spain Lluvia relámpago Lightning Shower
  France Pluie d'éclairs Lightning Shower
  Italy Pioggia Improvvisa Sudden Shower
  Poland Grad Błyskawic Lightning Shower
  Brazil Tempestade de Raios Lightning Tempest
