Bursting Blade

Revision as of 08:54, 1 May 2013 by TruShot (talk | contribs) (I'm asking you nicely, do not move tips into Trivia. We do lack a lot of Trivia, but that's the game fault and not ours. Tips shouldn't be in Trivia.)
[Special Active] Raven engulfs his sword in flames and does three aerial flips with it.


Class Master SP Requirement
Weapon Taker Lv.5 40SP

Skill Information


Skill Level Damage (Magical) MP Usage Cooldown
1st 2nd 3rd
1 145% 218% 363% 100 MP 5 Seconds
2 174% 261% 435%
3 203% 305% 508%
4 232% 348% 580%
5 (M) 275% 414% 689%


Skill Level Damage (Magical) MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Lv.5 Air Slicer
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
1 186% 280% 466% 233% 350% 583% 100 MP 5 Seconds
2 223% 336% 559% 279% 420% 699%
3 261% 392% 653% 326% 490% 816%
4 298% 448% 746% 373% 560% 933%
5 (M) 354% 532% 886% 443% 665% 1108%
6 410% 616% 1026% 492% 739% 1231%
7 466% 700% 1166% 583% 875% 1458%

Skill Note

Name: Flaming Sword Dance (불 붙은 칼의 춤 - Sword Lit Dance)

Description: Will cause 10 seconds of Burn on targets.

Tips and Details

  • The first hit will always launch the target up, regardless if used on ground or in the air.
    • However this does not mean that when used on the ground, the 2nd and 3rd hit will receive the Air Slicer buff.
  • This skill is affected by Air Slicer.
    • After getting a minimum of Lv.3 Air Slicer, Bursting Blade can also be activated in mid-air.
  • Do not use this skill as a catch when the opponent is slightly below you (unless they are in the air and away from a ledge). The first hit will count as an automatic knockdown, but the second and third hits will still register as grazes, making you gain back mana for those hits, but also making Core attack with no effect on the enemy.
  • Generally has a high amount of invincibility frames for a 100 MP, so you can use this as an alternate to using Shadow Step or Breaking Fist. Recommended for escaping higher MP cost moves if you cannot dodge them.


  • Bursting Blade is the only Special Active that cannot be overheated.
