[特殊活性:强烈的]} 快速冲向前方,用枪刃猛砍轨迹上的所有敌人。突进时,给打击范围内所有敌人造成1秒硬直。
  • 使用时如已召唤了黑暗召唤的魔兽,魔兽会瞬间凭依在希尔身上,使范围增加至2倍,伤害增加至1.3倍。
  • 用露(女)角色在游戏中使用该技能时,游戏角色会变为希尔(男)
  • 使用交换技能打击成功时获得4格协力值
  • 伤害增加到1.2倍。


职业 所需等级
恐惧魔王 50



所需等级 伤害 最大连击数 MP消耗 冷却时间
黑暗切割 黑暗凭依时
50 1562% 2030% 4 200 MP 15 秒
[真] 1874% 2436%


所需等级 伤害
黑暗切割 黑暗凭依时
50 593% 771%
[真] 712% 925%


加速的黑暗切割 厚重的黑暗切割
特性效果 冷却时间 特性效果 冷却时间
冷却时间减少至80% 12秒 伤害大幅增加至144%,但冷却时间增加至120% 18秒


模式 Regular Creeping Terror Back Attack
Normal Darkness Possession Normal Darkness Possession
Normal Heavy Normal Heavy Normal Heavy Normal Heavy
副本 7,496% 10,794.24% 9,744% 14,031.36% 8,620.4% 12,413.38% 11,205.6% 16,136.06%
对战 2,848% 4,101.12% 3,700% 5,328% 3,275.2% 4,716.29% 4,255% 6,127.2%

Related Skills

  Creeping Terror   Summon Darkness

Tips and Details

  • When the demon from Summon Darkness is active, the skill will dash well outside the screen in front, giving it tremendous forward range, as well as much more vertical range.
  • Darkness Cutter is currently counted as an active for Creeping Terror's Burst of Terror effect, meaning it will not trigger it except randomly through the effects of Force of Fear. The back attack damage increase does correctly consider it a Special Active however.
  • For some odd reason, if you unsummon and then immediately re-summon the demon from Summon Darkness, this skill will use the one being unsummoned if used immediately and for any following uses (through cooldown reductions and the like) if it has yet to fully disappear, while the new demon will attack as usual without aiding you in the skill.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 다크니스 커터 Darkness Cutter
