File:Spinning Kick.png
[Special Active] Rena spins horizontally, drilling into opponents with her feet.


SP Requirement
Combat Ranger
40 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
1 93% 11 100 MP 5 seconds
2 112%
3 130%
4 149%
5 (M) 177%
6 205%

Skill Note

Name: Swift Rotation(NA) / Swoop(KR)

Description: 30% chance that the target will not be knocked down.

Tips and Details

  • Opponents are knocked down at 6th hit unless they are in a Super Armor state.
  • The number of hits increases if this skill is used while inflicted with Frostbite. The exact number varies.
  • The maximum obtainable number of hits due to Frostbite status seems to be 21.
  • The distance covered by the skill increases if you are running while you activate it.
