Sharp Fall

Revision as of 22:56, 1 May 2013 by TruShot (talk | contribs) (Fixed mechanical errors. Also, how is that NOT a tip, telling you which bosses it's good on?)
File:SHOCK HO.png
[Special Active] Rena plummets downwards and stomp on the ground, causing a large radial shock field that Stuns opponents.


SP Requirement
Skill Requirement
Combat Ranger
60 SP
Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage
MP Usage Cooldown
Fall Shockwave
1 70% 1180% 175 MP 10 seconds
2 84% 1415%
3 98% 1651%
4 112% 1887%
5 (M) 133% 2241%
6 154% 2595%
7 175% %

Tips and Details

  • Sharp Fall is unlocked through the Intermediate Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv30 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • Sharp Fall can only be activated in mid-air.
  • The descending part of the skill is useful when fighting a vertically long target because the it will do DPS damage as Rena travels down the target.
  • The shockwave part of the skill has an incredibly wide hitbox frame (roughly 3-4 meters on both sides of Rena) and stays for approximately one second after impact.
  • Useful in PvP, but Crescent Kick is a more effective choice in PvE.
  • Extremely useful as a method of disabling Super Armored targets in both PvP and PvE.
  • Extremely useful in the dungeon Sunken Resiam against the Coral Serpents due to the slow jump effect of the dungeon.
