File:SweepRolling.png [Special Active: Strength]
Summon a power triangle. Charges up until the skill key is no longer held down and fires. (Super Armor while charging)
Force Field Skill
  • Skill reacts to Force Fields.

Core Activation Skill

  • Successful attack made during Awakening will activate the Core Attack.

Final Enhanced Skill

  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Code: Electra 15

Skill Information


Level Required Triangle Damage (Magical) Max Hits Duration MP Usage Cooldown
Holding Released Released (Amplify)
15 265% → 345% 23 28 29 5 Seconds 200 MP 14 Seconds
[Enhanced] 318% → 413%


Level Required Triangle Damage (Magical)
15 86% → 112%
[Enhanced] 103% → 133%

Skill Traits

Critical Sweep Rolling Regenerating (1) Sweep Rolling
Attribute Effect MP Usage Attribute Effect MP Recovery
MP Usage increased to 120%
Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
240 MP 50% chance of regaining 50% of the MP Usage 100 MP

Total Damage

Mode Regular
Uncharged Charged
Normal Amplify Spectrum Reactive Fusion
PvE 10,044% 11,221% 13,526.55% - - -
PvP 3,244% 3,626% 4,369.8% - - -

Related Skills

File:SpectroElCrystal.png El Crystal Spectrum File:CSPassive.png Overload

Tips and Details

  • When released, Sweep Rolling will jump to maximum charge damage at hit interval 16 and continue to deal around 12 maximum charge hits without force field.
    • Even after the skill has travelled through the force field and is getting the force field damage bonus. When the damage jump happen, the skill will cease to receive the force field damage bonus and will instead, continue to deal the maximum charge damage equal to non force field's maximum charge damage.
    • In Amplify mode. When realeased instantly, the skill will do 29 hits instead of 28, with 3 hits being normal damage, 15 hits for uncharged damage with force field bonus, and 11 hits of max charge damage without force field bonus.
  • Releasing the key will release the triangle. Foes are continuously pushed and damaged until the triangle's duration is over.
    • Eve cannot be hit for a short moment when she releases the triangle.
    • The Super Armor granted while charging the skill grants a 30% damage reduction and immunity to Faint and Flattened, but other effects like Frozen will still cancel it.
    • When using Code: Recovery - Breaker however, simply releasing the skill with a field is far more effective in damage due to the damage increase.
  • When used with a Force Field, the Force Field will stick around for quite a decent amount of time after the triangle has passed it, making it an excellent option for providing Energy Needles with a field.
  • There is a bug where if an enemy who is being hit by Sweep Rolling while being suspended in the air Mana Breaks, they will be untargetable but the triangle will still pull them with it. (Discovered December 9, 2014)
  • If an enemy target attempts to jump into Sweep Rolling from below, they will bounce off it downwards assuming they can receive hit stuns. [PvP]


Date Changes
11/07/2013 -

Initial triangle size increased.

Initial attack increased.

Damage boost from charging increased.

04/20/2015 -

Skill's hitbox changes to follow the visual effect, so the hitbox becomes smaller.

08/20/2015 -
  • Renamed Sweep Rolling.
01/12/2017 -

Damage increased.

04/27/2017 -

Damage increased.

Damage decreased.

06/29/2017 -
  • Fixed issue where Damage Modifier not work in Reactive Mode.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018

Damage increased.

09/11/2019 09/25/2019

Casting speed increased.

Hit count increased.

Duration decreased.

Damage decreased.

  • Absorbing trait changed to Critical.
09/26/2019 -
  • Hit that knocks down applied later during the skill.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 스위프 롤링 Sweep Rolling
  Japan スイープローリング Sweep Rolling
  China (Simplified Chinese) 翻滚扫描 Sweep Rolling
  North America Sweep Rolling - Over Charge (between November 6, 2013 and January 27, 2016)
  Germany Elektronenschraube Electron Screw
  Spain Hélice de electrones Electron Helix
  France Vrille d'électrons Electron Spin
  Italy Vite di Elettroni Electron Spin
  Poland Elektro-Śruba Electro Screw
  Brazil Circuito Giratório Spinning Circuit
