Time Ruler (Elder)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 21
Required Level: 10

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +46
Action Speed +46
Accuracy +92

2 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +20
  • Magical Attack +20

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 1% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to gain 3 MP when attacking

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

HP +705
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +23
Jump Speed +69
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +23
Move Speed +69
Accuracy +23

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Dodge +23
Move Speed +69
Jump Speed +69

Time Ruler (Bethma)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 31
Required Level: 20

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +76
Action Speed +76
Accuracy +152

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 1% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to gain 3 MP when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +75
  • Magical Attack +75

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

HP +1155
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +38
Jump Speed +114
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +38
Move Speed +114
Accuracy +38

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Dodge +38
Move Speed +114
Jump Speed +114

Time Ruler (Altera)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 41
Required Level: 30

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +106
Action Speed +106
Accuracy +212

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to gain 3 MP when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +75
  • Magical Attack +75

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

HP +1065
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +53
Jump Speed +159
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +53
Move Speed +159
Accuracy +53

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Dodge +53
Move Speed +159
Jump Speed +159

Time Ruler (Feita)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 51
Required Level: 40

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +136
Action Speed +136
Accuracy +272

2 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +75
  • Magical Attack +75

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +2055
All Element Resistance +5

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +68
Jump Speed +204
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +68
Move Speed +204
Accuracy +68

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Dodge +68
Move Speed +204
Jump Speed +204

Time Ruler (Velder)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 61
Required Level: 50

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +166
Action Speed +166
Accuracy +332

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +175
  • Magical Attack +175

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +2505
All Element Resistance +5

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +83
Jump Speed +249
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +83
Move Speed +249
Accuracy +83

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Dodge +83
Move Speed +249
Jump Speed +249

Time Ruler (Hamel)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 71
Required Level: 60

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +196
Action Speed +196
Accuracy +392

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 5% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +160
  • Magical Attack +160

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 3% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +2955
All Element Resistance +5

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +98
Jump Speed +294
All Element Resistance +5

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +98
Move Speed +294
Accuracy +98

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Dodge +98
Move Speed +294
Jump Speed +294

Space Ruler (Elder)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 27
Required Level: 10

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +69
Action Speed +69
Accuracy +138

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 1% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

3 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +5%

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 3% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +120
  • Magical Attack +120

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

HP +470
All Element Resistance +15

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +138
Jump Speed +23
All Element Resistance +10

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +23
Move Speed +138
Accuracy +46

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Dodge +46
Move Speed +69
Jump Speed +69

Space Ruler (Bethma)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 37
Required Level: 20

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +114
Action Speed +114
Accuracy +228

2 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +5%

3 Pieces Effect:

  • 3% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +120
  • Magical Attack +120

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

HP +770
All Element Resistance +15

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +38
Jump Speed +228
All Element Resistance +10

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +38
Move Speed +228
Accuracy +76

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Dodge +76
Move Speed +114
Jump Speed +114

Space Ruler (Altera)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 47
Required Level: 30

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +

Critical +159
Action Speed +159
Accuracy +318

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 3% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

3 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +120
  • Magical Attack +120

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +10%

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

HP +1070
All Element Resistance +15

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +53
Jump Speed +318
All Element Resistance +10

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Action Speed +53
Move Speed +318
Accuracy +106

Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +

Dodge +106
Move Speed +159
Jump Speed +159

Space Ruler (Feita)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 57
Required Level: 40

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +204
Action Speed +204
Accuracy +408

2 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +120
  • Magical Attack +120

3 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +10%

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 6% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +1370
All Element Resistance +15

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +68
Jump Speed +408
All Element Resistance +10

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +68
Move Speed +408
Accuracy +136

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Dodge +136
Move Speed +204
Jump Speed +204

Space Ruler (Velder)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 67
Required Level: 50

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +249
Action Speed +249
Accuracy +498

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 2% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

3 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +10%

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 6% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +350
  • Magical Attack +350

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +1670
All Element Resistance +15

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +83
Jump Speed +498
All Element Resistance +10

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +83
Move Speed +498
Accuracy +166

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Dodge +166
Move Speed +249
Jump Speed +249

Space Ruler (Hamel)

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 77
Required Level: 60

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +294
Action Speed +294
Accuracy +588

2 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +10%

3 Pieces Effect:

  • 6% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

4 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +350
  • Magical Attack +350

5 Pieces Effect:

  • 4% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +1970
All Element Resistance +15

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +98
Jump Speed +588
All Element Resistance +10

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +98
Move Speed +588
Accuracy +198

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Dodge +198
Move Speed +294
Jump Speed +294

Absolute Time and Space

Icon Item Grade Stats Additional Effects Set Bonus
Item Level: 77
Required Level: 60

Physical Attack +
Magical Attack +
HP +

Critical +392
Action Speed +294
Additional Damage +294
Accuracy +588

2 Pieces Effect:

  • 6% chance to gain 5 MP when attacking

3 Pieces Effect:

  • Physical Attack +4%
  • Magical Attack +4%

4 Pieces Effect:

  • 4% chance to inflict Double Damage when attacking

5 Pieces Effect:

  • Mana charging regeneration rate +20%

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +5910
All Element Resistance +15

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Action Speed +98
Jump Speed +588
Damage Reduction +294

Physical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

Critical +98
Action Speed +98
All Element Resistance +10
Move Speed +588

Magical Attack +
Physical Defence +
Magical Defence +
HP +

HP +2955
Dodge +196
Move Speed +588
Jump Speed +588