Radiant Flower (백화요란)

Image Name Type Stats Description
Radiant Flower Hair Costume Hair

Physical Attack +25

Magical Attack +25

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

Critical +3%

Maximize +2%

Red. Damage +1%

Set Equipment Stats:

2 Pieces

Attack Speed +5%

Awakening Charge Speed +6%

4 Pieces

Critical +2%

All Skill Damage +5%

5 Pieces

Critical +4%

Attack Speed +5.5%

Movement Speed +5%

3% chance of Petals of Purification when attacking (deal damage, no hit-stuns, Cooldown: 3 Seconds)

Radiant Flower Shirt Costume Top

Physical Attack +15

Magical Attack +15

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

Movement Speed +2%

Max HP +2%

Add. Damage +2%

Radiant Flower Pants Costume Bottom

Physical Attack +15

Magical Attack +15

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

Jump Speed +2%

Max HP +2%

Add. Damage +2%

Radiant Flower Gloves Costume Gloves

Physical Attack +15

Magical Attack +15

MP Gain when Attacking +2%

Resistance to All Elements +5

Radiant Flower Shoes Costume Shoes

Physical Attack +15

Magical Attack +15

MP Gain when Attacked +2%

Resistance to All Elements +5

Radiant Flower Weapon Costume Weapon

Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

Critical +3%

Maximize +3%

Set Equipment Stats:

2 Pieces

Critical +2%

Movement Speed +2%

MP Usage -5%

3 Pieces

Movement Speed +2.5%

Add. Damage +2%

When using Special Active skills, activate Flying Flower Petals (Dungeon) buff (maximum 5 stacks) for 10 seconds. Increase Critical, Maximize, Attack Speed, and Red. Damage by 2% per stack. (Dungeon)

When using Special Active skills, activate Flying Flower Petals (Arena) buff (maximum 3 stacks) for 10 seconds. Increase Critical, Maximize, Attack Speed, and Red. Damage by 2.5% per stack. (Arena)

4 Pieces

Critical +4%

Attack Speed +4%

Red. Damage +2%

When Flying Flower Petals (Dungeon) reaches 5 stacks for 10 seconds, activate Bursting Petals buff for 7 seconds. Increase Physical/Magical Attack by 10%. After 7 seconds, cause an explosion around the character (deal damage, no hit-stuns). (Dungeon)

When Flying Flower Petals (Arena) reaches 3 stacks for 10 seconds, activate Raging Petals buff for 7 seconds. Increase Add. Damage/Red. Damage by 5%. After 7 seconds, cause an explosion around the character (deal damage, no hit-stuns). (Arena)

Radiant Flower Wings Back Accessory

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

MP Gain when Attacked +3%

Maximize +2%

Radiant Flower Bracelet Arm Accessory

Physical Attack +30

Magical Attack +30

Movement Speed +2%

MP Gain when Attacking +3%

Red. Damage +2%

Radiant Flower Dance of Flowers Support Accessory

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Movement Speed +3%

Max HP +2%

Maximize +2%