Velder Imperial Guard(벨더 임페리얼 가드)

Image Name Stats Description
Velder Imperial Guard Hair Costume Hair:

Physical Attack +5

Magical Attack +5

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

Awaken Charge Speed +5%


Set Equipment Stats:

2 Pieces:

Awaken Charge Speed +5%

3 Pieces:

Resistance To All Elements +50

4 Pieces:

Physical Defense +50

Magical Defense +50

Max HP +10%

5 Pieces:

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Movement Speed +6%

Jumping Power +6%

MP Gain when attacking +4%

Maximize +5%

Velder Imperial Guard Top Piece
Costume Top:

Physical Defense +25

Magical Defense +25

Max HP +5%

Resistance To All Elements +10

Velder Imperial Guard Bottom Piece
Costume Bottom:

Physical Defense +25

Magical Defense +25

Max HP +5%

Resistance To All Elements +10

Velder Imperial Guard Gloves
Costume Gloves:

Physical Defense +25

Magical Defense +25

MP Gain when attacking +1%

Resistance To All Elements +10

Velder Imperial Guard Shoes
Costume Shoes :

Physical Defense +25

Magical Defense +25

MP Gain when attacking +1%

Resistance To All Elements +10

Velder Imperial Guard Weapon
Costume Weapon:

Physical Attack +75

Magical Attack +75

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Attack Speed +2%


Set Equipment Stats:

2 Pieces:

Awakening Charge Speed +10%

3 Pieces:

Max Awaken Time +15%

4 Pieces:

Critical Hit Rate +5%

Skill Damage +7% (Hyper Active/Wedding skill excluded)

Velder Imperial Guard Headgear
Face Accessory (Middle):

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

Critical Hit Rate +2%

Velder Imperial Guard Cloak
Accessory (Top Piece):

Physical Defense +20

Magical Defense +20

Attack Speed +2%

Movement Speed +3%

Jumping Power +3%

Velder Imperial Arm Buckler
Accessory (Arm):

Physical Attack +10

Magical Attack +10

Physical Defense +15

Magical Defense +15

Additional Damage +2%

Damage Reduction +2%