White Dragon: Servius (유백의 용 - 세르비우스)

Image Name Stats Description
White Dragon: Servius Hair

Costume Hair:

Physical Attack +30

Magical Attack +30

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

Max HP +3%

Attack Speed +2%

Dignity of Servius:

2 Pieces:

Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100

Critical +2%

Maximize +2%

4 Pieces:

Physical Attack +2%

Magical Attack +2%

5 Pieces:

Critical Damage +5%

3% chance of Servius's Dignity (Critical Damage +10%, Duration: 7 Seconds, Cooldown: 7 Seconds) when attacking

White Dragon: Servius Top Piece

Costume Top:

Physical Attack +30

Magical Attack +30

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

MP Gain when Attacking +3%

MP Gain when Attacked +3%

White Dragon: Servius Bottom Piece

Costume Bottom:

Physical Attack +30

Magical Attack +30

Physical Defense +10

Magical Defense +10

MP Gain when Attacking +3%

MP Gain when Attacked +3%

White Dragon: Servius Gloves

Costume Gloves:

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Physical Defense +5

Magical Defense +5

Awaken Charge Speed +2%

Awaken Time +3%

White Dragon: Servius Shoes

Costume Shoes:

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Physical Defense +5

Magical Defense +5

Awaken Charge Speed +2%

Awaken Time +3%

White Dragon: Servius Weapon

Costume Weapon:

Physical Attack +100

Magical Attack +100

Physical Defense +50

Magical Defense +50

Critical +5%

Power of Servius:

2 Pieces:

Critical +5%

Maximize +5%

3 Pieces:

Critical +7%

3% chance of Servius's Power (deal damage, no hit-stuns, Cooldown: 3 Seconds) when attacked (Dungeon)

3% chance of Servius's Power (deal damage, no hit-stuns, Cooldown: 30 Seconds) when attacked (Arena)

4 Pieces:

Critical Damage +10%

White Dragon: Servius's Will

Accessory (Support Unit):

Physical Attack +30

Magical Attack +30

Max HP +2%

Awaken Charge Speed +2%

Awaken Time +3%

White Dragon: Servius Horns

Face Accessory (Middle):

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack +20

Additional Damage +3%

Damage Reduction +3%

White Dragon: Servius Wings

Accessory (Top Piece):

Physical Attack +50

Magical Attack +50

Attack Speed +4%

Movement Speed +2%

Jump Speed +2%