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Barren Sanders

Map Layout


Trock Warrior This is basic Trock monster. They will attack with their sword and will sometimes do counter knockdown when they knockdown.
Trock Thrower This Trock monster will attack with their boomerang similar to Shadow Warrior's Sharp Boomerang. When get attack the can run away when under stoic.
Trock Shaman This Trock monster will summon a dark skull that does substinal damage. They will use dark buff which incerase their size and gives Stoic to nearby monster.
Trock Defender This Trock will defend with their shield if under attack and can attack during guard. Similar to Glitter Defender have.
Trock Exploder This Trock will self-destruct upon contact. Has very high HP.
Mad Seal This seal will bite you drastically. Appear only Normal & Hard only.
Fire Seal Similar to Mad Seal, but its bite will infict Burn to you.
Ice Seal Similar to Mad Seal, but its bite will infict Frostbite to you.
Poison Seal Similar to Mad Seal, but its bite will infict Poison to you.

Miniboss: Ferocius Trak Thrower

A leader of Trak Thrower. You will fight him on Hard or higher.


Boomerang Throw He will throw his boomerang to his foes and its back to him. Similar to Shadow Warrior's Sharp Boomerang.
Aerial Throw He will throw 3 boomerang one by one diagonally and then a 3 split boomerang. You won't be able to hit him due to he's flying when he use this moves.
Upware Throw He will throw his boomerang diagonal up when you try to attack him close.
Running Away Like Trak Thrower he will run away after 15 hits. When he run away, he become Stoic while run away.

Boss: Waldo


Bottom Cast: Kicks up a slab of the ground then punches it to send it flying. A smaller scale version of the one used by Berthe, but the rock will lodge itself in the ground after impact and will serve as an obstacle.
270 Degree Swing: A quick interrupt-able axe swing, this attack not only hits in front of himself but also behind.
270 Degree Power Swing: He will shout and flex before making a slow sweeping swing in super armor state. This attack not only hits in front of himself but also behind.

  • His head becomes wreathed in flames after his shout but it is not yet clear what long term significance this has.

Flaming Axe: He will howl then perform a highly telegraphed as well as extremely damaging super armored swing that can deal high damage. This attack reaches behind himself as well.
Dark Energy Release: Releases a blast of dark energy from the pendant on his stomach, which can reach up to a full screen away depending on his current size.
Pendant Explosion: An extremely lethal skill that can deal very high damage. He'll only use it when he's at maximum size and will revert to his starting size after use if he is not interrupted.

  • A large DANGER warning will appear along with the skill name when he is preparing to use it.


  • As time passes he will grow larger, which increases the range of his attacks.
  • Over 7 million HP on Very Hard
  • 250\500 Dark Resist



Shelling Guardian Run
Infinity Sword Run
Veteran Commander Run
Blade Master Run
Elemental Master Run
Code Nemesis Run
Lord Knight Run
Reckless Fist Run
Martial Artist Run
Void Princess Run
Deadly Chaser Run
Dimension Witch Run

  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous