الرمز (KR) الرمز (NA) اللقب طريقة أكتشاف اللقب متطلبات الحصول على اللقب الخصائص
Fire Extinguisher Clear 9-1 once Kill 2000 Magma Golem Type Monsters (9-1)
Kill 2000 Angry Gripig (9-1)
Fire Resistance +100
Burning Effect +1% (if you use burning)
Burnt Steel Plate Kill Angry Mother Pig once
Kill Supervisor Aluminu once
Kill Angry Mother Pig 200 times
Kill Supervisor Aluminu 200 times
Physical Attack +200
Magical Attack +200
HP Increase +5%
Reduced Damage +3%
Master of Steel Clear 9-2 once Kill 3000 any monsters in 9-2 Attack Speed +3%
Awakening Charge Speed +5%
Awakening Duration +7.5%
Guardian of Lanox Clear 9-1 on Very Hard within 4 minutes
Clear 9-2 on Very Hard within 4 minutes
Clear 9-1 on Very Hard within 4 Minutes 25 times
Clear 9-2 Very Hard within 4 Minutes 25 times
Evasion +3%
Accuracy +3%
Critical +1%
Additional Damage +1%
Reduced Damage +1%
Through the Flames!! Clear 9-1 on Very Hard with SS rank
Clear 9-2 on Very Hard with SS rank
Kill Dryad Kenta 100 times
Kill Iron Anvil Sdeing 200 times
3% chance of casting Meteor Strike when attacking
Critical +3%
Additional Damage +2%
Attack Speed +2%
I like fish! (Ⅱ) Clear 9-3 once Clear 9-3 on Very Hard with SS rank +30% damage against monsters in 9-3 (except Boss) cannot be overlapped
+30% evasion against monsters in 9-3 (except Boss) (Dungeon)
HP Increase +30% (Dungeon)
Additional Damage +3%
God of Bathing Clear 9-3 once Defeat Entranced Sirena on Very Hard 200 times 2% chance to gain 5 MP when hit (Dungeon)
3% chance to gain 15 MP when attack (Dungeon)
Max MP +2%
Reduced Damage +5%
Hiking King Clear 9-4 once Clear 9-4 on Very Hard with SS rank +30% damage against monsters in 9-4 (except Boss) cannot be overlapped
+30% evasion against monsters in 9-4 (except Boss) (Dungeon)
Physical Defense +10% (Dungeon)
Magical Defense +10% (Dungeon)
Critical +1%
Attack Speed +1%
Burst of Rage Clear 9-4 on Very Hard Defeat Traitor Ignia in 9-4 on Very Hard 100 times Awakening Charge Speed +20%
Movement Speed +20%
Passion Pay Clear 9-3 on Very Hard
Clear 9-4 on Very Hard
Clear 9-3 200 times
Clear 9-4 100 times
Physical Attack +1000
Magical Attack +1000
Burning Butt Clear 9-5 once Clear 9-5 on Very Hard under 4 minutes Attack Speed +2%
Movement Speed +12%
Dancing Flame Weapon
(قبل تحديث القاب لانوكس)
Very Hard على صعوبة i 9-5 قم بأنهاء مره i 150 Very Hard على صعوبة i 9-5 قم بأنهاء 1% chance of casting Meteor Grenade when attacking
1% chance of casting Meteor Strike when attacking
1% chance of casting Firestorm when attacking
1% chance of inflicting Burn for 7 seconds when attacking
Dancing Flame Weapon
(بعد تحديث القاب لانوكس)
1.5% chance of casting Meteor Grenade when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Meteor Strike when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Firestorm when attacking
1.5% chance of inflicting Burn for 7 seconds when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Fireworks when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Strong Flame when attacking
Covered with Wounds Clear 9-6 once Clear 9-6 on Very Hard with 30 hits or less Evasion +5%
Reduced Damage +3%
All Elemental Resistance +5
Oath of Ruin
(قبل تحديث القاب لانوكس)
Very Hard على صعوبة i 9-6 قم بأنهاء مره i 1000 Very Hard على صعوبة i 9-6 قم بأنهاء Critical Hit Rate decreased to 0.
7% chance of casting the buff Destruction (100% critical rate, critical damage increased by 50%) for 4 seconds when attacking cannot be overlapped
Oath of Ruin
(بعد تحديث القاب لانوكس)
Critical Hit Rate decreased to 0.
11% chance of casting the buff Destruction (100% critical rate, critical damage increased by 50%) for 8 seconds when attacking cannot be overlapped
Grim Gaze Clear 9-4 once Clear 9-4 on Very Hard 200 times 1.5% chance of inflicting Ice when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Ice Sting when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Cold Shock when attacking
1.5% chance of casting Ice Nova when attacked cannot be overlapped
1.5% chance of MP +7 when attacking
God of Fire Clear 9-4 once Clear 9-4 on Very Hard 100 times
Clear 9-6 on Very Hard 50 times
Physical Defense +5%
Magical Defense +5%
Reduced Damage +5%
10% chance of casting Fire Zone when attacked (Cooldown: 20 Seconds)
Flash of Light Clear 9-6 Very Hard while achieving all of the following :
  • Achieve S Rank
  • Clear without the use of resurrection stones
Clear 9-6 on Very Hard 10 times while achieving all of the following:
  • Clear under 2 minutes and 30 seconds
  • Achieve SS Rank
Attack Speed +9%
Movement Speed +18%
2% Chance of Starlight Strike when attacking
Demon Slayer Defeat Drifter Blaze Hand once
Defeat Evil Apparition once
Defeat Drifter Blaze Hand 500 times
Kill 20000 monsters in Volcanic Blade Canyon
Defeat Evil Apparition 500 times
Kill 20000 monsters in Distant Ruins
5% chance of casting Meteor Rain when attacking (Dungeon)
2.5% chance of casting Meteor Rain when attacking (Arena)