Icon Name Stats Set Bonus
Dragonic-Force Stinger Lv. 75 Accessory (Arm):

[Unidentified * ?]
Critical +1%

2-Piece Effect:

Critical +3%

4-Piece Effect:

Physical Attack +1%
Magical Attack +1%
Physical Defense +1%
Magical Defense +1%

5-Piece Effect:

3% chance of Fireworks when attacking.

Awaken to increase critical damage by 10% for 7 seconds

Awaken to casting the buff Aura of Anger (damages nearby enemies with a fiery aura, increases critical hit rate to 100%) for 7 seconds (Dungeon)

Awaken to casting the buff Aura of Anger (damages nearby enemies with a fiery aura, critical hit rate is increased by 20%) for 7 seconds (Match)

Awaken to increase awakening charge speed by 5%

(Cooldown: 30 seconds for both)

Dragonic-Force Top Piece Lv. 75 Top Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]
HP Increase +3%

Dragonic-Force Bottom Piece Lv. 75 Bottom Piece:

[Unidentified * ?]
HP Increase +3%

Dragonic-Force Gloves Lv. 75 Gloves:

[Unidentified * ?]
Attack Speed +1%

Dragonic-Force Shoes Lv. 75 Shoes:

[Unidentified * ?]
Movement Speed +3%
Jump Speed +3%

Dragonic-Force Weapon Lv. 75 Weapon:

[Unidentified * ?]
[Unidentified * ?]
Attack Speed +3%
Critical +3%