[Special Active] Eve summons Ophelia to cast a huge electrical magic sphere, causing the enemy to continously get damage with a final huge damage finisher at the end.


Class Master SP Requirement
Code Empress
70 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken Normal Awaken
Electron Finisher Electron Finisher Electron Finisher Electron Finisher
1 100% 172% 154% 264% 4 1 6 1 100MP 5 Seconds
2 120% 207% 184% 317%
3 140% 241% 215% 369%
4 160% 276% 246% 422%
5 (M) 190% 327% 292% 501%
6 220% 338% 379% 580%
7 250% 384% 431% 659%
8 280% 430% 482% 739%

Tips and Details

  • Awakening Mode increases the damage of the skill, and allows Ophelia to cast more hits before going to the finisher.
    • After the last hit, the opponent will be launched in the air, allowing additional comboing.
