Magic Knight
Full Name
Magic Knight
Sword, Magic, Fireballs
Feel the burn!

Magic Knight


The Magic Knight is a swordsman with magical abilities. He has a flaming fist that throws fireballs to both distract and destroy. This gives the otherwise close quarter fighter a few ranged attacks that can be combined to make the hot headed Elsword an incendiary opponent. The Magic Knight is uniquely suited to control large mobs.

Magic Knight can also be obtained by using the Cash Shop item: Magic Knight's Medal


During his travels, Elsword found out that he was very vulnerable to magical type attacks. He decides to go to Echo for help, who told him the only way to cover up this weakness was to become a Magic Knight. Elsword decides to become one in order to cover up this weakness. He absorbed some magical powers through a ritual, and became a Magic Knight. Being able to use magic attacks now allows Elsword to become a more balanced character, specializing in both Melee and Ranged attacks.

First Class Advancement

Elsword is required to be Lv15 to begin his first class advancement.
After completing the Knight quest chain, Elsword can decide between advancing as a Sword Knight or Magic Knight or Sheath Knight.

Magic Knight

  1. Kill Wally NO.8 2-5 (Any Difficulty)
    • Chat with Echo to start this quest.
    • Collect 7 Mickeys Tails 2-3 very hard from mickeys
  2. Clear Wally's Castle on Hard with at least a B rank or above.
  3. Collect the 'Exequatur of Velder Principality' from Wally's Guardians at Wally's Caste on Very Hard mode.

At Lv35, a Magic Knight can advance into a Rune Slayer.

Skill Tree

  File:ElSkill1.png File:Rolling.png 0 SP
  5 SP
10 SP
File:ElSkill4.png 15 SP
20 SP
  25 SP
File:ElSkill6.png File:ElSkill2.png 30SP
File:ElSkill12.png 35 SP
    40 SP
    45 SP
50 SP
  File:ElSkill8.png 55 SP
  60 SP
    65 SP

Additional Combos

Image Description Damage
NOTE: Fireball Damage is calculated before Enhanced Fireball.
  Knockback Slash

An upgraded dash attack, Elsword now hits three times for his dash attack, the final hit dealing large damage while having heavy knockback.

  120% Phy. Damage
  160% Phy. Damage
  200% Phy. Damage


Fireball Dash

Elsword does his dash attack and slides toward the opposite direction and launches out a large fireball that can pierce through enemies.

  • Post KR 2/14 patch:
    • Lesser delay after shooting fireball(Rune for Rune Slayer).
    • Shorter dash distance on X command.

  120% Phy. Damage
  160% Phy. Damage
  270% Mag. Damage


Aerial Fireball

After dashing into the air, Elsword summons out a fireball that deals magical damage (doesn't knock down).

  • Post KR 2/14 patch:
    • Removed hang time after shooting fireball.

  200% Phy. Damage
  200% Mag. Damage



  • Magic Knight does not have any Buff skill in which his mystical blades will act as a extension of his own sword, unlike Armageddon Blade or Phantom Sword.
