File:Low Kick.PNG
[Active] Rena performs a kick aimed at the opponent's leg, with a chance of slowing down their Movement Speed and Attack Speed.


SP Requirement
Skill Requirement
Combat Ranger
40 SP
Skill Quest

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage
Attack Speed
Success Rate Duration Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
1 100% 9% 70% 15 seconds 1 30 MP 8 seconds
2 150% 11%
3 200% 13%
4 250% 15%
5 (M) 300% 17%

Skill Note

Name: Low Blow Kick Ⅱ(NA)

Description: Increases the chance of success by 30%.

  • Totaling up to 100% activation chance.

Tips and Details

  • The in-game skill description incorrectly states that this skill reduces movement speed.
  • Low Kick is unlocked through the Low Branch Skill Quest.
    • The quest can be obtained at Lv20 from Camilla, the PvP NPC.
  • Enemies under the affect of this debuff are marked with a Fracture icon.
  • Extremely useful for PvP, but generally dropping in favor in PvE.
    • In PvE this skill's main use is to slow down strong\fast mobs and bosses.
      • This will slow down all actions an enemy in PvE takes including their normal attacking speed, special actives, hit recovery, corpse vanishing, reaction time, and knockdown\wakeup time.
      • As attack speed also includes recovery speed from a blow this allows the Wind Sneaker to stun lock things she otherwise would not be able to like Bone Dragon.


  • 07/04/2013
