[Special Active] Aisha smashes the floor with her staff three times, the last hit doing more damage than the last.


SP Requirement
Battle Magician
40 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
First Second Third
1 243% 479% 3 100MP 5 Seconds
2 291% 575%
3 340% 670%
4 389% 766%
5 (M) 462% 910%

Skill Note

Name: Magic Smashing (마력을 담은 망치질-"Hammering containing magical powers")

Description: Hits are now both Magical and Physical Attack.

  • This means that it will base damage on the average of Aisha's magical and physical attack stats instead of on her physical stat alone.


  • 3/29/2012
    • The range of the first two hits has been increased.
      • It is now possible to hit enemies behind their shields with this skill.
  • After Skill Revamp Event, Heavy Press doesn't knock down and it can stun opponents by the last hit.
