
Stage Image Name Boss Character Stats
Glacial Land
Mark of Alliance Acela Common Face Accessory (Middle):

Action Speed -5%

Adaptation +2%

MP Cost +5%

Physical Attack +2%

Magical Attack +2%

Old Village Site
Glacial Aura Meson Common Accessory (Bottom):

Action Speed +4%

HP Increase +6%

When dashing for 3 seconds, Movement/Jump Speed +20% for 5 seconds (Cooldown: 30 sec) Not Overlapped

Soul Sanctuary
Baryon's Fur Baryon Common Face Accessory (Bottom):

Adaptation +2%

Every 3rd Special Active Skill used, gain 'Power Release' for 20 seconds

[Power Release]
All Skill Damage +5% (Cannot trigger again while buff is active) (effect reduced to 40% in Arena)

Train to Capital
Heat Release Engine T.P.S.S Core Common Accessory (Top Piece):

Adaptation +1%

When attacking enemies with more than 50% HP, Damage -10%

When attacking enemies with less than 50% HP, Damage +10%