[Special Active: Strength]

Create a compact black hole ahead. The black hole will move forward and cause a giant explosion.
Available for Memorize
  • This skill can be memorized by inputting the skill key during the Memorize Stance. (Stand still for 2 seconds while in MP recovery state)
  • Press V to activate the memorized skills in order.


Class Level Required Base Skill
Oz Sorcerer 99 Ruin

Skill Information


Level Required Black Hole Explosion (Magical) MP Usage Cooldown
99 4813% 200 MP 15 Seconds


Level Required Black Hole Explosion (Magical)
99 1150%

Skill Traits

Light Ruin Heavy Ruin
Attribute Effect MP Usage Attribute Effect Cooldown
MP Usage decreased to 80% 160 MP Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
18 Seconds

Total Damage

Mode Regular Oz's Power
Normal Heavy Normal Heavy
PvE 4,813% 6,930.72% 5,534.95% 7,970.33%
PvP 1,150% 1,656% 1,236.25% 1,780.2%

Tips and Details

  • [Mod] Ruin can be combined with Poisonous Cloud and Aging to increase their total damage.
    • By casting Poisonous Cloud followed by [Mod] Ruin you can deal an average of 8 hits on enemies carried by the black hole, effectively doubling Poisonous Cloud's damage. Because the cloud deals splash damage, this can be extremely potent when mobs are grouped up by the black hole.
    • By casting Aging followed by [Mod] Ruin you can pull average sized enemies through 2 to 3 pillars, sometimes 4 with proper positioning.
  • The explosion will launch enemies in the direction the player is facing at the time of the explosion.


Date Changes
05/17/2018 06/14/2018
  • [Mod] Ruin added.
08/23/2018 09/06/2018
  • Black hole range decreased.
  • Black Hole Explosion launches targets further.
01/31/2019 03/06/2019
  • None
  • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 파멸 Ruin
  Japan ルイン Ruin
  Taiwan (Traditional Chinese) 破滅 Ruin
  China (Simplified Chinese) 破灭 Ruin
  Germany Verdammnis Damnation
  Spain Perdición Perdition
  France Perdition
  Italy Perdizione Perdition
  Poland Potępienie Condemnation
  United Kingdom Perdition
  Brazil Devastação Devastation
