Ask Nisha about current battle style.

Increase Physical Attack Power, Awakening Charge Speed, and Awakening Duration.
All skills' magical damage will be converted to physical damage.


Class Level Required
Rusty Child 15

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Physical Attack Increase Awakening Charge Increase Awakening Duration Increase
1 15 3% 5% 5 Seconds
2 31 6% 10% 10 Seconds
3 37 9% 15% 15 Seconds
4 60 12% 20% 20 Seconds
1 15 1.5% 5% 5 Seconds
2 31 3% 10% 10 Seconds
3 37 4.5% 15% 15 Seconds
4 60 6% 20% 20 Seconds

Tips and Details

  • As with Lesson Learned and Love Nisha, the awakening duration increase will also increase your maximum awakening duration, up to 150 seconds at level 4.


Date Changes
01/31/2018 03/06/2019
  • Like This? added.
07/18/2019 08/14/2019
  • Added an effect that changes all magical skills to physical skills.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이렇게 하면 되? You mean, like this?
  Germany Etwa so? Like this?
  Spain ¿Algo así? Something like this?
  France Comme ça ? Like this?
  Italy Così? So?
  Poland Mniej Więcej Tak? More or less?
