Rolling Pebble Number 5912

Full Name
Rolling Pebble Number 5912
Cooked Wheat
Who's taking pictures? That's the sound that the jetpack makes.
-Ya Boi

Skill Organization

| Q - (Quick) straight skill | W - Honing skill | E - (Can be used in air) aoe skill | R, T, C, F - Bravery/Strongest skills | A - Short (Buff) skill | S - Cheaper (rarely used?) skill | D - Buff

Project: Taste the Rainbow

Character Name Level Skills Comments
i regret deleting u, i even 3rd classed u
eve is hard to manuever with
File:Master Eternity Winner.png [________]
[99]     File:FSLB.png
u r evil, corrupted path
File:Master Radiant Soul.png [________]
File:Master Nisha Labyrinth.png [____________]
[99]  File:FSpT.png