[Special Active: Tenacity]
Use the Eight Trigram Palm technique to deal two devastating blows to enemies.
Energy Gain
  • Gain 1 Energy

Energy Conversion

  • Possible to use another skill before last hit. Gain 1 energy upon successful hit.

Dragon Arts

Final Enhanced Skill

  • Damage is increased by 1.1 times.
  • Art Link Speed is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Little Hsien 25

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Physical) Spirit Energy MP Usage Cooldown
Exploding Palm Eight Trigram Palm Use Cancel
PvE 603% 321% +1 +1 60 MP 6 Seconds
PvP 206% 110%
PvE 664% 354% +1 +1 60 MP 6 Seconds
PvP 227% 121%

Skill Traits

Light Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm Persistent Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm
Attribute Effect MP Usage Attribute Effect
MP Usage decreased to 80% 48 MP Skill will reduce 10 KD per hit

Total Damage

Mode Regular Full Moon Slash
Cancel Full Cancel Full
PvE 664% 1,018% 863.2% 1,323.4%
PvP 227% 348% 295.1% 452.4%

Related Skills

  Dragon Stance 2:
Pulling Thrust
  Dragon Stance 4:
Moonlight Slash
  Full Moon Slash   Flow of Chi

Tips and Details

  • This skill is the 3rd part of Secret Dragon Art: Blast.
  • When targets are knocked back by the 2nd collision, any targets that touches the knocked backed targets will also receive damage.


Date Changes
01/24/2013 12/18/2013
  • Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm added.
07/10/2013 -
  • Hit effects adjusted.
01/22/2015 -
  • (Skill Note) Fixed cancel mana break effect not working.
09/03/2015 02/17/2016
  • MP Usage decreased.
04/21/2016 05/18/2016
  • Fixed issue of sometimes moving over the targets.
01/12/2017 -
  • Eight Trigram Palm damage increased.
  • Exploding Palm damage decreased.
04/27/2017 -
  • Damage increased.
  • None
08/24/2017 09/13/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • Eight Trigram Palm damage increased.
  • Exploding Palm damage decreased.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 용아 3식 : 팔괘장 Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm
   South Korea (literal Chinese name) 八卦掌 Eight Trigram Palm
  Japan 龍牙三式:八卦掌 Dragon Tooth Stance 3 : Eight Trigram Palm
  China (Simplified Chinese) 龙牙3式:八卦掌 Dragon Tooth Stance 3 : Eight Trigram Palm
  Germany Drachenzahn, Schritt 3: Orden Dragon Tooth, Step 3 : Order
  Spain Diente del dragón, paso 3: Orden Dragon Tooth, Step 3 : Order
  France Dent de dragon 3 : ordre Dragon Tooth 3 : Order
  Italy Dente di Drago, passo 3: Ordine Dragon Tooth, Step 3 : Order
  Poland Smoczy Ząb 3: Zakon Dragon Tooth 3 : Order
  United Kingdom Dragon's Tooth, Step 3 : Order
  Brazil Postura do Dragão 3: Colisão Dupla Dragon Stance 3: Double Collision
