
Activate the Combat Maneuvers that creates photons in its trails. Each input will activate the Combat Maneuvers. (Can also be activated midair)
Core Activation Skill
  • Successful attack made during Awakening will activate the Core Attack.


Class Level Required Base Skill
Code: Sariel 99 Electronic Move

Skill Information

Mode Photon (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Hits per Use Number of Uses
PvE 314% 3 4 30 MP per movement 8 Seconds
PvP 125%

Skill Information (10/08/2020 KR Patch)

Mode Photon (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Hits per Use Number of Uses
PvE 314% 3 4 40 MP per movement 8 Seconds
PvP 125% 2

Skill Traits

Powerful Electronic Move Empowered Electronic Move
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect
Super Armor added to the skill
Cooldown increased to 150%
12 Seconds Damage increased to 120%

Total Damage

Mode Regular
Normal Empowered
PvE 3,768% 4,521.6%
PvP 1,500% 1,800%

Total Damage (10/08/2020 KR Patch)

Mode Regular
Normal Empowered
PvE 3,768% 4,521.6%
PvP 750% 1,800%

Tips and Details

  • This is essentially an offensive version of the     command. It retains the same similarities like this skill's normal version, but deals vastly more damage at an increased cost.


Date Changes
08/09/2018 08/22/2018
  • [Mod] Election Move added.
10/08/2020 -
  • MP Usage increased.
  • None
  • Number of Uses decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이렉트로닉 무브 Electronic Move
  China (Simplified Chinese) 电磁步伐 Electromagnetic Step
  Germany Elektro-Manöver Electro Move
  Spain Electromaniobra Electro Move
  France Manœuvre électrique Electro Move
  Italy Elettro-manovra Electric Move
  Poland Elektro-Manewr Electro Move
  United Kingdom Electro Manoeuvre
  Brazil Agilidade Eletrônica Electronic Agility
