Histoire de Ruben

< Story‎ | Ruben
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Ruben, le petit hameau situé dans la région nord de Elios, abrite le grand arbre El qui a grandi grâce à la pierre d'Eldrit. L'arbre est maintenant impuissant après que Benders et sa bande aient volé la pierre d'Eldrit. Elsword et sa bande doivent trouver Benders et ramener l'artefact à Ruben. Ils ignorent que ce sera le début de leur voyage légendaire...

Chapitre 1: Benders, le voleur d'Eldrit

Chapitre 1

Un jour, Benders et ses voleurs volèrent l'éclat d'Eldrit du village de Ruben et s'enfuirent. Elsword et son groupe de chercheurs d'Eldrit ont essayé de les poursuivre pour reprendre le El. Hagard, le chef du village de Ruben, leur a dit que Benders et les voleurs étaient peut-être allés au village d'Elder.

Épique[Village] Un étrange incident
Conditions d'acceptation de quête Objectifs Description
  • Aucune condition demandée

La bande de Benders sévit dans la paisible forêt de Ruben. Accompagne Lou, le chef du détachement des chercheurs d'Eldrit, jusqu'à Ruben

Dialogue d'acceptation de quête
  •   Rena: Par ici, vite !
  •   Elsword: Lou ! Benders vient de passer ?
  • Lou: Hm ? Je regardais Benders, il avait l'air très méfiant, mais je l'ai perdu. Il s'est passé quelque chose ?
  •   Elsword: On n'a pas le temps pour ça ! Benders s'est enfui avec la pierre d'Eldrit ! Nous devons le retrouver rapidement !
  • Lou: Quoi ?! C'est grave.... On a besoin de l'aide de tout le monde à Ruben pour le retrouver. Dépêchons-nous !
  •   Aisha: C'est à cause de toi ! Soupir.. Si je n'avais pas perdu de temps avec ce gamin, je l'aurais attrapé.
Dialogue d'achèvement de quête
Monnaie/Expérience Récompense normale Choisir récompense
PP 150   [Cobo] Pains aux grains x 20   N/A
EXP 500   [Cobo] Thé Vert x 20   N/A
PB 0   N/A   N/A
 [Dungeon] Protect the El
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Tree of El
  • Find Banthus (Tree of El)
  • Defeat Banthus (Tree of El) 0/1

The notorious thief Banthus is heading to the Tree of El to steal the El. Let's pursue Banthus and protect the El!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hagus: The El placed on the top of the Tree of El is the treasured symbol of our village. Usually the El is protected by the forest spirits, but the rumor is that Banthus has a special necklace that can control the forest spirits... Our El is in danger as suspected. Please get to Tree of El and protect it.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Lowe: Pant...pant... Darn those bandits and their cheap tactics! Arghh! Hey there! Let's turn back and head to the village. We should regroup before we continue our pursuit.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,100   Magic Stone x 1   N/A
ED 600   Red Giant Gloves x 1   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Dungeon] William the Prankster
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Forest Ruins, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Find the leader of the Phoru Bandits (Forest Ruins, 'Any Difficulty')
  • William's Letter (William Phoru, Forest Ruins, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

The thieves in Forest Ruins turned out to be Phorus from the forest. Let's go find these thieves!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Hagus: I heard from Lowe. They took the El...That's a big concern...We need to go after them right away, but there’s another problem. There seems to be other bandits appearing near the Ruins by the Tree of El where spirits resided before the El exploded. Can you go take care of them before they make a big mess?
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Hagus: Phorus? Those docile animals living in the forest? Are you telling me they're running rampant in the ruins? I see...So a phoru named William is the culprit and he said he's sorry right?
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 1,900   Magic Stone x 1   Intermediate Bronze Weapon x 1
ED 1,200   Armor Enhancement Stone Lv.1 x 1   N/A
EP 0   Adventure Bag x1   N/A
AP 0
 [Dungeon] Sacred Animal
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • White Mist Swamp, 'Any Difficulty'
  • Ancient Phoru (White Mist Swamp, 'Any Difficulty') 0/1

The El Scouts have been chasing the Banthus Thieves and ended up in a foggy swamp near the Tree of El. Ancient Phoru and the Monkey King are furious about the stolen El. This is a major threat to all the residents! Let's listen to Ann and go to White Mist Swamp and make all of the robbers surrender!

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Lowe: We weren't just playing around either, we followed the trail to the White Mist Swamp but had to retreat because of a giant phoru.
  • Player: Are you telling me you've lost them?
  • Lowe: Q...Quiet! We did our best. Hmhm...We got to get rid of it if it keeps bothering us...
  • Ann: Please no! It’s a good creature that has been protecting our forest ever since ancient times. The bad ones are the bandits! It's their fault!
  • Lowe: ...so she says...Well, let's try to find a way without harming it...all you rookie.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Ancient Phoru: Grr...
  • Lowe: Couldn't avoid a fight but this should be ok...
  • Ann: Thank you for listening to my demand. Hope you can retrieve the El too.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 2,500   Magic Stone x 1   N/A
ED 1,800   Red Giant Top Piece x 1   N/A
EP 0   Ruben Forest's Spirits x 2   N/A
AP 0
