[Special Active: Strength]

[Secret Art] Activated when you activate 'Dragon Stance 1, 2, 3, 4' one after the other. Jumps and rocket down, causing the ground to break open into sharp rocks.


Class Skills Requirement
Little Hsien Dragon Stance 1 (>>X or XXvXX)
Dragon Stance 2: Pulling Thrust
Dragon Stance 3: Eight Trigram Palm
Dragon Stance 4: Moonlight Slash

Art Information

Mode Damage (Physical) Total MP Used Spirit Energy
Required/Used Gained
PvE 6636% 310 MP 0 +6
PvP 1247%

Total Damage

Mode Regular Full Moon Slash
PvE 6,636% 8,626.8%
PvP 1,247% 1,621.1%

Related Skills

  Dragon Stance 2:
Pulling Thrust
  Dragon Stance 3:
Eight Trigram Palm
  Dragon Stance 4:
Moonlight Slash
  Full Moon Slash

Tips and Details


Date Changes
07/10/2014 -
  • Now also chains from normal Crescent Moon slash.
  • Damage increased.
  • Damage modifier adjusted.
01/12/2017 -
  • Damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • None
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • Fixed issue where affected by Stance 4's Skill Damage Increase effect.
09/14/2017 -
  • Fixed issue where not affected by Skill Ring.
02/22/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
  • Damage decreased.
07/26/2018 08/08/2018
  • Invincibility frames increased.
  • Damage increased.
  • Damage decreased.
07/04/2019 07/31/2019
  • Damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 용아 오의 : 폭쇄 Dragon Secret Art: Explosive Breaking
  China (Simplified Chinese) 龙牙奥义:爆碎 Dragon Tooth Secret Technique: Blast
  Germany Drachenzahn-Technik: Sprengung Dragon Tooth Technique: Blasting
  Spain Artes secretas del dragón: Detonación Dragon Secret Art: Detonation
  France Technique secrète dent du dragon : explosion Dragon Tooth Secret Technique: Blasting
  Italy Tecnica Segreta del Dente di Drago: Esplosione Dragon Tooth Secret Technique: Blasting
  Poland Tajna Technika Smoczego Zęba: Wysadzenie W Powietrze Dragon Tooth Secret Technique: Blowing Up in the Air
  Brazil Técnica Secreta do Estilo Dragão: Queda da Destruição Dragon Style Secret Technique: Destruction Falling
