• English
Final Enhanced Skill
  • MP Usage is decreased by 20%.


Class Level Required
Noah 15

Skill Information

Mode MP Usage Cooldown
PvE 50 MP 30 Seconds
PvP 180 Seconds
PvE 40 MP 30 Seconds
PvP 180 Seconds

Skill Traits

Light Moon Shadow Regenerating (1) Moon Shadow
Attribute Effect MP Usage Attribute Effect MP Recovery
MP Usage decreased to 80% 32 MP 50% chance of regaining 100% of the MP Usage 40 MP

Tips and Details

  • You can only travel directly up, backwards, and forwards, not diagonally or down.
  • Due to the high delay between teleporting back to your shadow and being able to attack, it is rather ineffective at catching people near your shadow by surprise. Unlike similar teleportation mechanics such as Phase Shift and Phantom Rush, teleporting also deals no hitstun and inflicts no damage.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 달 그림자 Moon Shadow
