[Special Active] Overflowing with magical energy, Raven erupts from his heart in a large cross shape, leaving him tired for some time.


Class Master SP Requirement
Over Taker Lv.5 65 SP

Skill Information

  • NA
Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max hits MP Usage Cooldown
Normal Awaken Normal Awaken
1 291% 346% 7 9 250 MP 30 Seconds
2 349% 415%
3 408% 485%
4 466% 554%
5 (M) 552% 658%
6 639% 761%
7 726% 865%

|-| KR=

Damage(Magical) Max hits MP Cost Cooldown
Normal Awaken Normal Awaken
1 40 - - - 11 300 MP - Seconds
2 - -
3 41 - -
4 44 - -
5 47 - -
6 50 - -
7 53 - -
8 56 - -
9 59 - -
10 62 - -
11 65 - -
12 68 - -
13 71 - -
14 74 - -
15 77 - -

Tips and Details

  • The skill is best used when opponents are on the same elevation as you.
    • Using the skill on an enemy below you or above you might knock back the enemy too much and decrease the amount of hits.
  • It is also easier to have all hits connect if used on a stoic opponent or if they are pressed against a wall.
  • In Awakening Mode, there is a two second fatigue state after the blast ends, leaving Raven vulnerable to any attacks.