Noah's hair

I feel like the changes to Noah's hair color throughout his backstory should be mentioned in the Trivia section (from what I know, it was originally white, then turned black for a time before becoming the blue it is now). FlareKyn (talk) 20:20, 26 December 2020 (CET)

Noah's weapon

Is Clamor really a sickle, I feel like the handle is too short, the way he's holding it is very different than how you would wield a sickle and the blade part is too long, I feel like it is more like a bladed-tonfa than a sickle, because Tsukuyomi from SMITE a very similar pair of weapon and they call it a bladed-tonfa there

  • In-game his weapon is called a sickle. So canonically it's a sickle, no matter what the other may think. Might have to wait for NA's release in order to see how they translate it. We may disagree with how sickle-y it is, but the same way we can talk about Elsword: how much of a sword his sword is, if it's blunt?