• English
[Special Active: Strength]

[Horoscope Skill] The galaxy emerge in a diagonal shape around you. The galaxy will be swarming with stars. (Can only be used midair)


Class Level Required
Celestia 99

Skill Information

Mode Swimming Stars (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Hits per Fish Number of Fish
PvE 184% 4 72 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 70%

Skill Traits

Light Serpentarius Heavy Serpentarius
Attribute Effect MP Usage Attribute Effect
MP Usage decreased to 80% 160 MP Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%

Total Damage

Mode Regular Cosmos
Average Maximum Average Maximum
Normal Heavy Normal Heavy Normal Heavy Normal Heavy
PvE 4,600% 6,624% 52,992% 76,308.48% 5,520% 7,948.8% 63,590.4% 91,570.176%
PvP 4,250% 2,520% 20,160% 29,030.4% 2,100% 3,024% 24,192% 34,836.48%
  • Average assumes 25 hits.

Tips and Details

  • The number of hits the skill does is extremely dependent on size and positioning. Humanoid-sized targets with fairly optimal positioning will take on average around 20~30 hits.
  • If used on a lot of targets, frame rate drop might occur.
  • Contrary to the original version, this version spawns Swimming Stars directly, instead of through Galaxy Space hits which are not present here.
    • This also means that it is unable to deal increased damage to enemies near each other as the same amount of stars will always be spawned.


Date Changes
01/14/2021 02/10/2021
  • Serpentarius added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 서펜타리우스 Serpentarius
