[Active] Chung draws his gun and fires once at his targets head.


SP Requirement
Shooting Guardian

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
1 250% 1 30 MP 3 Seconds
2 300%
3 350%
4 400%
5 (M) 450%

Skill Note

Name: REAL Head Shot(KR)

Description: Adds a 30% chance of a hit dealing 2x damage.

Tips & Details

  • Pierces through three monsters.
  • When drawing his gun, all surrounding targets will be damage. The skill description does not say how much damage % though.
  • With the skill note, the 2x damage is indicated when there is a head shot icon above the target.


  • 3/29/2012 KR
    • Removed the damage increase on knocked down monsters.
  • 2/14/2013 KR
    • Increased animation speed.