Increases all Attack Power and Maximize.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Grants  Self BuffSuper Armor when casting.


Class Level Required
Eve 10

Skill Information

Mode Destruction Aura MP Usage Cooldown
Physical/Magical Attack Maximize Duration
PvE 15% 20% 30 Seconds 60 MP 10 Seconds
PvP 7.5% 10% 15 Seconds

Skill Traits

Mode Killing Blow (1) Destruction Aura Killing Blow (2) Destruction Aura
Attribute Effect Destruction Aura Duration Attribute Effect Destruction Aura
Physical/Magical Attack Maximize
PvE Skill effect's duration increased to 130% 39 Seconds Skill effect's effectiveness increased by 15% 17.3% 23%
PvP 19.5 Seconds 8.6% 11.5%

Related Skills

Code: Ultimate

File:SI Concenofenergy.PNG Concentration Aura

Tips and Details

  • The Maximize increase is multiplicative.
  • The buff is applied immediately, instead of what the visuals show.


Date Changes
06/27/2013 11/06/2013
  • Destruction Aura added.
11/07/2013 02/12/2014
06/30/2016 07/13/2016
  • "Physical/Magical Attack Increase" effect added.
  • "Additional Damage Increase" effect decreased.
09/28/2017 10/18/2017
  • Duration decreased.
  • Physical/Magical Attack Increase increased.
  • Physical/Magical Attack Increase decreased.
  • Additonal Damage Increase decreased.
08/01/2019 08/14/2019
  • Additional Damage increase changed to Maximize increase.
03/25/2021 04/28/2021
  • Maximize Increase increased and changed to be unnormalized.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 섬멸의 문장 Seal of Extermination
  Japan 殲滅の紋章 Emblem of Annihilation
  China (Simplified Chinese) 歼灭纹章 Emblem of Annihilation
  Germany Emblem der Vernichtung Emblem of Extermination
  Spain Emblema de destrucción Emblem of Extermination
  France Emblème de la destruction Emblem of Extermination
  Italy Emblema della Distruzione Emblem of Extermination
  Poland Emblemat Zagłady Emblem of Extermination
  Brazil Aura de Extermínio Aura of Extermination
