• English

Consume HP to recover energy. Afterwards, consume additional HP while recovering more energy for a certain duration.


Class Level Required Base Skill
Devi 99 Life Swap

Skill Information

Mode Blood Strike (Magical) Life Swap MP Usage Cooldown
Energy Gain HP Consumption Effect Interval Duration
PvE 742% +1 -5% 5 Seconds 25 Seconds 0 MP 10 Seconds
PvP 186% -10%

Skill Traits

Regenerating (2) Life Swap Powerful Life Swap
Attribute Effect Details Attribute Effect Details
Cooldown Cooldown
50% chance of lowering cooldown to 60% 6 seconds Super Armor added to the skill
Cooldown increased to 120%
12 Seconds

Extra Information

Total Damage

Mode Regular
PvE 742%
PvP 186%


Affected By Action Speed

Tips and Details

  • In PvE, as both versions have a 10 second cooldown (ignoring any traits) and this version's effect only triggers once every 5 seconds, the actual net gain in energy for the two versions is actually identical: 2 Energy every 10 seconds. In comparison, this version is unable to heal any of the health decrease and consumes 2% more HP for every 2 energy than the normal version, but only needs to be recast every 25 seconds instead of every 10 seconds.
    • With the Powerful trait, this version's gain slightly outspeeds the normal version, but only when considering no other sources of cooldown reduction.
    • With the Regenerating (2) trait, the normal version outspeeds this version whenever the effect triggers.
  • In PvP, while this version generates 2 energy every 10 seconds instead of just 1 like the normal version, it will also drain a total of 50% from your HP over time. As such, it is highly recommended not to use this version of the skill for the mode, as it will severely cripple you.
  • This skill's damage is the same as its original version before the [Enhanced] level.
  • Like Unleashed Chi, the continuous source of spirit energy allows you to build Rakshasa Spirits more consistently without having to use any other skills yourself.


Date Changes
05/17/2018 06/14/2018
  • [Mod] Life Swap added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 이혈공 Life Swap
  Japan 理血功 Life Swap
  China (Simplified Chinese) 移血功 Life Swap
  Germany Blutwandler Blood Converter
  Spain Transformasangre Blood Transform
  France Transformation du sang Blood Transform
  Italy Convertitore Ematico Blood Converter
  Poland Transmutacja Krwi Blood Transmutation
  United Kingdom Blood Converter
  Brazil Conversão de Vida Life Conversion
