[Special Active] Aisha summon a small meteor with concentrated power and throws it forward, with the ball of fire expanding and dealing heavy damage to surrounding enemies.


SP Requirement
30 SP

Skill Information

Skill Level Damage(Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Meteor Explosion Meteor Explosion
1 48% 112% 7 8 250MP 30 Seconds
2 58% 134%
3 68% 157%
4 77% 179%
5 (M) 92% 213%

Tips and Details

  • Excellent crowd skill, best used on 4+ enemies for maximum MP recovery.
    • After 29/3/12 KR patch, MP regain has been decreased
  • In awakening mode, explosions cover a wider area.
  • The original smaller meteor occurs on the plane that Aisha casts it on, while the larger meteor will re-adjust its plane to where it is located graphically; therefore, when used on a part of the map with a curve, the first part of the skill (the smaller explosion) will not hit, but the second part of the skill will in spite of both parts of the skill being graphically in the same area.
  • Enemies at point-blank when the skill is used will most likely not be hit by the smaller meteor because of its small range and the fact that Aisha throws it rather far from herself.


  • The skill no longer exists in the revamped skill tree.
