Every character in Elsword has their own unique features that set them apart from other characters.

ECP System


ECP (Energy of Colorless Point) is a system exclusive to Rose. The system interface is displayed below the MP bar.

ECP Gauge

The yellow bar below your MP bar contains 70 ECP, which certain skills called ECP Using Skills will use instead of MP. ECP points will also be consumed when switching weapons during combos or performing the finisher of her ground   combos, as well as by a few additional skills. If any ECP is missing, it will slowly start recovering at 5 points per second.

Once the gauge is completely depleted, Over Strike will be activated.

Indication of activating Over Strike/Over Strike being active.

Most ECP Using Skills cost exactly 35 ECP, not counting skill traits. This makes it possible to activate Over Strike instantly by using any 2 ECP Using Skills in a row, assuming that your gauge is full.

Over Strike

While Over Strike is active, you will gain certain effects for a duration. You can not use most ECP Using Skills while Over Strike is active unless through specific passive effects, but Weapon Switching is still allowed. The ECP gauge will recover faster during Over Strike, at 10 points per second.

Mode Over Strike
MP Gain on Attacking Increase Special Active Skill Damage Increase Critical Damage Increase Command Damage Increase Duration
PvE 10% 20% 15% 150% 10 Seconds
PvP 20%

Weapon Switching

  Rose has the choice of utilizing 4 different firearms: Revolvers, Muskets, Auto-guns, or Hand Cannons.
For manual switching outside of combat, press 'V' key (default) to switch to the next weapon in a clockwise direction.
  •   Revolvers: Basic weapons of Rose. Fires quick singular shots at set intervals. Critical activation chance is high and critical damage is increased by 25%. The weapon is mid-range.
  •   Muskets: Similar to Revolvers but does more damage, fires slower, has the longest range, and will penetrate through all enemies within range.
  •   Auto-guns: Firearm which fires quick multiple shots which burns 2 MP each at set intervals but damage is the lowest and range is about the same as Hand Cannons.
  •   Hand Cannons: Firearm which deals the highest damage and is also the slowest but range of the blast is a bit lower than Revolvers.

During the [Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +  
Muskets: V +  
Auto-guns: V +  
Hand Cannons: V +  
combo, you are able to switch weapons by holding V and tapping the respective arrow key.

Weapon Locking

You can lock up to 2 specfic weapons if you dislike using them. Locked weapons will not be switched to if you switch with the 'V' Key. To lock weapons, enter your equipment page ('U' default) and right click the weapon icon that you want to lock. If the combo extension uses the specific weapon that you have locked, the weapon will only be switched during the combo and then it will change back to the original weapon you were using.

ECP Related Skills

Class Skill Name ECP Use/Gain
Rose Default +5/s
Rose Over Strike Mode +10/s
Rose Weapon Switch -15
Rose   Command Finisher -30
Rose   Rising Shot -30
Rising Shot
Rose   Backstep -35
Rose   Needle Sobat -35
Class Skill Name ECP Use/Gain
Heavy Barrel File:HeavyBarrel1.png Cannonball -35
Heavy Barrel File:HeavyBarrel4.png Steyr Antitank (A) -35
Heavy Barrel File:HeavyBarrel9.png Miracle Vision -35
Storm Trooper   PT-15 Prototype -35
Storm Trooper   Booster Cannon -35
Storm Trooper: Transcendent   Dust Shot -35
Class Skill Name ECP Use/Gain
Bloodia   Head Shot -35
Bloodia   Gun Guard (A) -35
Bloodia   Gun Dance +100%
Bloodia   Chain Powder -35
Crimson Rose   Western Fire (A) -35
Crimson Rose   Bloody Chain -35
Crimson Rose: Transcendent   Blood Bullet -35
Crimson Rose: Transcendent   Frenzy N/A
Black Massacre File:FGD.png [Mod] Gun Dance -100%
Class Skill Name ECP Use/Gain
Valkyrie   G-35L Flash Grenade -35
Valkyrie   Viper Shot -35
Valkyrie   Servo Nitro -35
Freyja   Blazing Bullet -35
Freyja   Phantom Chaser -35
Freyja: Transcendent   Phantom Shot (A) -35
Class Skill Name ECP Use/Gain
Metal Heart   KS-83 -35
Metal Heart   Robot Detonation -35
Metal Heart   Limit Over -35
Optimus   Magnetic Guard -35
Optimus   G-Extension N/A
Optimus G Transform Mode Standby -15
Optimus   G-1 Corona -35
Optimus   G-4 Frisbee -35
Optimus   G-3 Raptor (A) -35
Optimus: Transcendent   Focused Strike! -35
Prime Operator   Mecha Control N/A

Over Strike Related Skills

Class Skill Name
Heavy Barrel File:HeavyBarrel3.png Over Strike Enhance
Storm Trooper: Transcendent   Awakened Will: Storm Trooper
Tempest Burster   Steady Concentration
Class Skill Name
Crimson Rose: Transcendent   Frenzy
Class Skill Name
Minerva   Musket Master
Class Skill Name
Prime Operator   Mecha Control

Specialization (Not available anymore)

Character   Specialization A   Specialization B
Increased damage of   combos and Over Strike Skills in Over Strike Mode by x%. (Max: -%) Increased ECP nature regeneration by x%. (Max: -%)

Tips and Details

  • While having insufficient ECP may prevent you from using ECP Using Skills, performing a finisher or switching weapons does not share the same limitation and allows you to burn off extra ECP in order to attain Over Strike when necessary.
  • The effect values of Over Strike Mode are never shown in-game anywhere; the current values are based on a patch note that changed some of these values, and thus listed the old/new values for players to see.
    • Despite this, in-game testing shows the Critical Damage Increase is actually 15%, not 10% as is claimed there.
  • Almost every ECP Using Skill costs 35 ECP (with Optimus's G Transform Mode Standby being an exception), allowing you to cast any 2 of them and enter Over Strike instantly, assuming no consumption traits were applied.
  • Upon consuming ECP in any way, there is a slight delay until the gauge begins to recover, to allow you to use 2 skills that consume 35 ECP to trigger Over Strike with a bit of leniency. The maximum possible delay seems to be set individually for each action that can consume ECP, since skills like Booster Cannon give you more time to land and use another skill in order to activate Over Strike.
  • While the general rule is that you cannot use ECP Using Skills while in Over Strike Mode anymore, almost every path gets a passive that allows you to do so under certain conditions or drawbacks, if at all. Only Tempest Burster still gets locked out of all her ECP Using Skills upon entering Over Strike.


  • Attempting to lock the weapon Rose is currently wielding will result in her saying "It's the weapon you are currently using, but...?" in the form of a text box.
  • For some reason, despite switching to another weapon, Rose will always appear with the default weapon of each path on the Character Selection screen.
    • For Base Rose it will be Hand Cannons instead.


Date Changes
12/17/2015 06/01/2016
  • ECP System added.
06/30/2016 07/13/2016
  • Added ability to lock weapons away by left clicking the UI.
11/03/2016 11/23/2016
  • Over Strike skills and   combos damage increase during Over Strike Mode decreased to 30%.
08/01/2019 08/28/2019
  • Maximum ECP amount changed from 100 to 70.
  • Over Strike skills and   combos damage increase during Over Strike Mode decreased to 20%.
01/28/2021 02/24/2021
  • Over Strike Command Damage Increase increased.
  • None

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