Lemme shortly comment on this. Elsword changes are broken, the only fair ones I would consider are adding Ice Rune back and increasing Movement Speed while Windmill is cast. Aisha changes are mostly valid (however, I don't understand Impact Zone buff - tbh, it needs a nerf and other skills need casting speed increase buff). Abyss Zone sounds interesting. As of Rena, 0.5 Natural MP Regeneration per NF bar is way too low. I'd increase it to 2 and 4 for Anemos via another passive (she is extremely mana hungry). Daybreaker doesn't need that Hunter's Steadiness damage increase, her damage is high enough. Karma change looks quite good. Raven changes are the same as Elsword, too broken (except Mod Devastating Strike, it's interesting but I don't think it would be used a lot). Besides, Nova Imperator needs more clearing, not another damage dealer. Eve changes are quite good, however they don't satisfy me too much. Mod Photon Flare's damage would be still too low (would increase it to 7XXX). Chung changes are a no, most of them are too broken and some of them make no sense, at least for me. Well, Chaos Cannon change is ok.

Don't take it too personal, though! I disagree with most of the stuff thrown there but I just wanted to share my opinion, not trying to be rude or anything. Just letting you know those ideas require slightly more work. If you're planning to post suggestions for another characters as well, I'll be waiting. --Ritsu (talk) 19:14, 29 June 2020 (CEST)

Hello Ritsu! I updated some of the reboots like you said, so some shouldn't be too op anymore. I also added Ara since that is your main so i thought you might be interested. --Glave (talk) 6:24, 8 July 2020 (GMT)

Hi, I'm back here after some time! I see you added a lot of stuff, I'll take a look on it. I'm gonna skip the ones I'm neutral with and point out the ones I strongly agree / disagree with.

  • Mod Sword Fall's damage is fine imo. Immortal rather needs a rework of his clustered passives.
  • Memorize change is nice I guess, better than what it is now, imagine KoG buffing Aisha though. I think changing it overall would be wonderful. Honestly, it's so underwhelming, should at least be comparable to Moonlight System's Half Moon effect.
  • Strongly agree with buffing Elemental Body. They should yeet the mana shield effect for the time being, and replace it with an attack power buff. Especially that, after Wisdom Aura's nerf, low gear Aether Sage deals even less damage than before.
  • Endless Mana increasing MP pool even more makes a lot of sense to me. She is a mage after all, shouldn't be struggling with mana lol. I wish Natural MP gain from Elemental Research would be increased to 15~20 like Energy Discharge.
  • Mod Impact Zone's black hole effect is nice, albeit I would love to see increased damage on that one. Currently, it's no use, since even on a very small target, unmod version outdamages it and has more range on top of it.
  • It would be nice to see Illusion Strike back, especially with a physical Eve path on the horizon, lmao.
  • Speaking of Eve, I feel like her and Raven character systems should also be changed.
  • For Code: Sariel, I think playing with single skills or single passives wouldn't help much. Damage is not the issue anyways. There should be a change directed towards Energetic Heart and El Crystal Spectrum to make her less reliant on homing projectiles, as they're one of the biggest memes in Elsword and suffer the usual homing skill problems (targetting grey spikes or going into background etc.).
  • Strongly agree with damage buffs for Comet Crusader. I mean, he's a tank, a wonderful support... But then you realize there is no tank in Elsword. He should be able to deal damage somehow too.
  • Remember Reboot? Both Devi and Shakti got cast speed increases on Secret Arts. However, Apsara... was always a different story. Would love to see them accelerated by like 80~100% (they're extra slow). Including the 4th stance skill, Dragon Stance 4: Moonlight Slash. Dragon art's launch and overall clunkiness is also an issue. It's literally not usable.
  • Agree with Infernal Circle's cast speed increase, albeit the only thing I want for Devi is fixing that one annoying bug with chaining stance 2 to 3 within her Wolf Secret Art. (Though, I want her skills to be faster in general, even at the cost of nerfing her damage)
  • Fox Fire change is something I am definitely requesting for.
  • I don't think adding more high risk-high reward mechanics to Bloody Queen within Condemnation is a good idea, honestly, her damage is not an issue. It's just QoL issues of other passives making it rather unpleasant to play, very sweaty in order not to die and keep all your buffs up as much as possible.
  • Love the idea of unique Pylons, we need more trend skills handled like this.
  • I don't mind the changes you posted, but Catastrophe needs to be less debuff reliant, so there's that.
    • Don't think increasing their CP gain is a priority, I think with the buffed Summon Darkness you can spam chain Braveries while only refreshing your buffs.
  • Fantasy Impromptu - 1st Movement change would not help much. I want this skill to get reworked as a whole, same for the one it chains to.

Waiting for Rose suggestions, if you're not one of the players who hate her~ --Ritsu (talk) 17:47, 27 July 2021 (CEST)