A compilation of all Hyper Active skills obtainable by second jobs.


File:LKTiny.png Lord Knight
File:GaintSlash.png Gigantic Slash
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:RSTiny.png Rune Slayer
Shining Rune Buster
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:ISTiny.png Infinity Sword
Blade Rain
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:Tiny - Sacred Templar.png Sacred Templar
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:EMTiny.png Elemental Master
Elemental Storm
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:VPTiny.png Void Princess
File:VP.png Abyss Angkor
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:DWTiny.png Dimension Witch
Fate Space
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:WSTiny.png Wind Sneaker
Spiral Strike
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:GATiny.png Grand Archer
File:SDestiny.png Hunter's Destiny
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:NWTiny.png Night Watcher
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:BlMTiny.png Blade Master
File:ExS.png Extreme Blade
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:RFTiny.png Reckless Fist
Infernal Arms
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:VCTiny.png Veteran Commander
Burning Buster
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:NemTiny.png Code: Nemesis
Lunatic Scud
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:EmpTiny.png Code: Empress
Code: Thunderbolt
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:BSTiny.png Code: Battle Seraph
File:PAEM.png Psychic Artillery
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:IPTiny.png Iron Paladin
Doom Strike
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:DCTiny.png Deadly Chaser
Outrage Strike
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:TTTiny.png Tactical Trooper
Satellite Rain
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:SDTiny.png Sakra Devanam
Heaven's Wrath
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:YRTiny.png Yama Raja
Hell Blast
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:AsuTiny.png Asura
File:AA 7.png Millennium Fox
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:GMTiny.png Grand Master
Sword of Relics
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:BHTiny.png Blazing Heart
File:Bhha.png Ancient Fire
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:CATiny.png Crimson Avenger
Fate Smash
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:LPTiny.png Lunatic Psyker
File:LPHA.png Dooms Day
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:MMTiny.png Mastermind
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:DETiny.png Diabolic Esper
File:DEHyperActive.png Paranoia
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:DLTiny.png Dreadlord
Descent Darkness
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:NobTiny.png Noblesse
Castle of Abaddon
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:DemTiny.png Demonio
Diabolic Disaster
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:STrTiny.png Storm Trooper
Ancient Trigger
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:CRoTiny.png Crimson Rose
Blood and Chain
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:FYTiny.png Freyja
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:OMTiny.png Optimus
Mecha Volt MX
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:AmTTiny.png Arme Thaumaturgy
Erst der Letzt
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:EETiny.png Erbluhen Emotion
Flame Emotion
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:APTiny.png Apostasia
Ende der Welt
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:RumblePumnTiny.png Rumble Pumn
Love and Peace
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:Tiny - Shining Romantica.png Shining Romantica
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:Tiny - Daydreamer.png Daydreamer
Labyrinth Daydream
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.


File:Tiny - Silent Shadow.png Silent Shadow
Devoured Moon
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:Tiny - Stellar Caster.png Stellar Caster
New Eden
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.
File:Tiny - Pale Pilgrim.png Pale Pilgrim
Moon Welcoming
Ultimate Secret Manual is needed to unlock this skill, available through the Ultimate Skill Quest or Item Mall.

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