• English

Chapter 14: Shadow Hiding in the Sand Storm

 [Village] Desert Village Sander
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

According to the Village Elder Emirate, there was no demon invasion in Sander. Since the Wind Priestess should visit the village soon, the El Search Party decides to wait while taking a rest.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   Emirate: You're from Velder? Nice to meet you!
  •   Emirate: Welcome to Sander, the best merchant village in the world! The place of legends and romance! Where gold flows like sand!
  •   Emirate: I am Emirate, the Elder of this village, and the leader of the merchant guild! Anything you need, just ask me!
  •   Add: What a grandiose introduction.
  •   Aisha: Of course, merchants love to add an oomph! to their words.
  •   Emirate: I heard you saved Senace from their second demon invasion. Amazing! Would you like to work as mercenaries for us?
  •   Ara: Hm? Did demons never invade Sander?
  •   Emirate: Nothing much happened, so it seems that way! Hahaha!
  •   Chung: If demons haven't invaded Sander... Does that mean the Priestess is safe? We've come to see the Wind Priestess.
  •   Emirate: Oh, then I have good news and bad news for you!
  •   Emirate: The bad news is, the Wind Priestess is not in Sander at the moment.
  •   Elsword: What do you mean? She's not here?
  •   Emirate: The Priestess is in Caluso Tribal Village. Hahaha! But, there's good news!
  •   Emirate: She actually visits Sander regularly, and today's that day! You are lucky!
  •   Raven: We just have to wait.
  •   Emirate: You must be exhausted from your travels. Why don't you take a rest? I will let you know when the Priestess gets here!
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ... ... ... ... ...
  •   Elesis: Wow... is this whole place made up of stands? It's much bigger than Elder. There's more things to see, as well.
  •   Chung: Wait, is that... a Guardian Stone? They're selling Guardian Stones! There's no way the Seiker family would have allowed something like this to happen...!?
  •   Aisha: Don't worry, Chung. It's probably fake. You need to be wary of these kinds of things when dealing with merchants.
  •   Add: Is that from personal experience?
  •   Aisha: Don't get me started. It's not just once or twice. They will always try to upsell you, and sometimes even try to sell fake merchandise disguised as real ones!
  •   Aisha: I still seethe thinking about the day I bought some mysterious bird feathers thinking they're Harpy feathers!
  •   Emirate: Hahaha! You were unlucky, young miss! Harpy feathers have been forbidden for a while now! Anyone who is claiming otherwise is trying to swindle you.
  •   Aisha: Well, I didn't know! If I had, I would have looked for a suitable replacement!
  •   Raven: Now I see why Aisha would fiercely interrogate the merchants whenever she buys something.
  •   Chung: But... I wouldn't be surprised if a real Guardian Stone is traded in a place like this. Even though that one is fake for sure.
  •   Rena: Anyway, where does Sander belong to? Senace? Northern Empire?
  •   Ara: Both Senace and Northern Empire are located in the continent of Fluone, but Sander does not belong to either of them.
  •   Emirate: That's correct! Sander is a community of merchants built to deal with bandits. We travel from Oasis or Oasis to build our community.
  •   Elsword: Is that what Raven meant by lawless? Then do merchants have vigilante groups to protect the village?
  •   Emirate: Yes. We also have hired mercenaries! A skilled traveler like you is No. 1 on our hire list!
  •   Rena: Haha, thanks for holding us in such high regard, but we have other businesses to attend to.
  •   Eve: ... Though this worries me. I don't think the Priestess will come without an escort...
  •   Eve: But it will be easy for anyone targeting the Priestess to dress themselves as bandits.
  •   Elesis: True. Sander may seem peaceful for now... But Ran is supposed to meet up with someone.
  •   Elsword: If everyone's up to it, how about we all go? Meet her half way?
  •   Emirate: Will you do that? We already have people out to greet her, but go ahead! She should be passing Barren Sander by now!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   Advanced Magic Stone x10   N/A
ED 0   N/A   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 Looking for the Wind Priestess
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the [Village] Desert Village Sander story quest

The El Search Party arrives at Barren Sander to greet the Wind Priestess, but a mysterious stranger and a group of Trocks block their way.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 4,404,810   Intermediate Sturdy Weapon Cube x1   N/A
ED 2,949,200   Intermediate Sturdy Armor Cube x1   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0
 [Village] Arguing for No Reason
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Looking for the Wind Priestess story quest

Apparently, the arguments broke out for no reason after the mysterious crimson haired woman visited Kaluso Village. The El Search Party experiences something similar and knows it's a demon curse.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Quest Completion Dialogue
  •   ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 0   [Ariel] Intermediate HP Potion x30   N/A
ED 0   [Ariel] Intermediate MP Potion x30   N/A
EP 0   N/A   N/A
AP 0

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