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Code: Antithese
Full Name
Code: Antithese
Remy (Broken)
Nasod Drones
Class Tree

Release Date
2 September 2021
Job Path Story Movie
I am the perfect queen of the Nasods.
Anyone who defies my will...
Must disappear.

Code: Antithese




"당신은 틀렸어요. 제가 그렇게 정했답니다."

옳은 값만으로 자신을 구성해 더 이상의 실패도 실수도 없는 가장 '완벽한' 나소드의 여왕.
자신에게 반하는 자들을 파괴하고 때로는 '옳은 방향'으로 '변화'시키는 전직.

많은 코드와 정보가 소실되었다. 그 자리를 '옳은' 정보와 '완벽한' 코드들이 대체했다.
그러니 자신은 점점 더 완벽해지고 있는게 당연할 텐데, 전송되지 않는 오류 메시지가 불길하게 느껴지는 것은 어째서 일까.
틀린 것 없이는 옳은 것을 정의할 수 없다.
성공 값으로 강제 치환된 정보들이 쌓여갈수록 옳음의 정의는 희미해져 갔고,
이는 기존에 치환된 성공 값들에 대한 정확도를 의심하게 되는 결과를 낳았다.
이래선 안된다. 자신은 실패 없는, 완벽한 나소드의 여왕이 되어야만 한다.
그것을 위해 '틀린' 것들이 필요하다면, 절대적인 '옳음' 외의 나머지는 틀린 값으로 치부하는 것이 당연하다.

"저는 완벽한 나소드의 여왕입니다. 제 뜻을 따르지 않는 당신들이야 말로 사라져야 하는 오류."

이브의 코어 안에 남은 것은 절대적으로 옳은 값들 뿐, 잘못된 것은 없다. 자신은 옳다, 자신이야말로 옳음의 정의다.
과열된 감정 회로가 상시적 폭주 상태에 이르자 옳은 값에 대한 감정 출력 또한 비정상적으로 격앙되어 갔고,
극도의 환희를 통해 이브는 더더욱 자신이 옳았다는 것을 확신하게 된다.

아무것도 잘못되지 않은 동화같은 세계.
결코 실수할 리 없는 완벽한 여왕이자, 자신에게 반기를 드는 모든 것을 부정하는 절멸의 여왕의 완성이었다.

Third Class Advancement

Skill Tree

Additional Combos

  : All damage values for new and preexisting commands receive a 1.15x multiplier during 3rd job.
Image Description Damage
Violent Slap

After performing   , perform a flying kick, then finish by performing Eve's signature slap.

  ???% Phy. Damage
  ???% Phy. Damage
  ???% Phy. Damage

Drone Drop

Change Eve's   , keep Moby and Remy at Eve's side as she descends down.

  ???% Phy. Damage


Code: Antithese/Skills

Master Class

Master Class Advancement

Complete the following advancement quest or using the Item Mall item: Mark of Awakening (Code: Antithese)   to advance to Master Class.

  1. Clear any Rigomor dungeon 5 times.
  2. Collect 20 Apparitions of Will from any Boss in Rigomor region dungeons.
  3. Clear any Master Road dungeon (Normal/Hell) once.
  4. Collect 10 Origin Artifacts from any Master Road dungeon (Normal/Hell).
  5. Clear any Master Road dungeon (Normal/Hell) 5 times.

Artifact System will be unlocked after achieving Master Class.


Code: Antithese/Master Skills


Full Gallery: Eve/Gallery




  • Continuing on from Code: Failess, Moby has gone through an even more drastic change, now boasting a somewhat demonic appearance. On the other hand, Remy seems to be no longer maintained, having become badly damaged and covered with cracks.
    • As implied by Code: Antithese's Master class, Remy is now a puppet with no will of its own, whereas Moby may still have some degree of sentience.
  • Code: Antithese's core is now red as opposed to blue, indicating that her coding has corrupted.
    • More signs of Code: Antithese's corruption include the cracks on her body, the energy sparking around her, and the mutation of her legs.
    • Many of her skills that depicts Nasods are infested with Alterasia, which might suggest a relation between Alterasia and the unknown code.
  • Many of Code: Antithese's skills name is a reference to software engineering terms, programming terms, and computer viruses in general.
    • White Box (White-box testing) is a method of software testing that tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality.
    • Red Screen (Screen of death) is an informal term for a type of computer operating system error message, displayed onscreen when the system has experienced a fatal system error.
    • Trojan Horse is any malware that misleads users of its true intent. The term is derived from the Ancient Greek story of the deceptive Trojan Horse that led to the fall of the city of Troy.
    • Angelina (Virus:DOS/Stoned_Angelina) is a boot sector computer virus created in 1987. It is one of the first viruses and is thought to have been written by a student in Wellington, New Zealand. With Angelina variants, it contains the following embedded text, not displayed by the virus: "Greetings from ANGELINA!!!/by Garfield/Zielona Gora" (Zielona Góra is a town in Poland).
    • Friday (Virus:DOS/Jerusalem) is a logic bomb DOS virus first detected at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in October 1987. The virus is unique among other viruses of the time, as it is a logic bomb, set to go off on Friday the 13th on all years but 1987.
    • Backdoor is a typically covert method of bypassing normal authentication or encryption in a computer, product, embedded device, or its embodiment.
    • Black hat is a hacker who violates computer security for their own personal profit or out of malice.
    • White Hat is an ethical computer hacker, or a computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing and other testing methodologies that ensure the security of an organization's information systems.
    • Logging is the act of keeping a log file. The file that records either events that occur in an operating system or other software runs, or messages between different users of communication software.
    • Hello World (Hello, World!" program) is a computer program that outputs or displays the message "Hello, World!". Such a program is very simple in most programming languages and is often used to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language. It is often the first program written by people learning to code. It can also be used as a sanity test to make sure that computer software intended to compile or run source code is correctly installed, and that the operator understands how to use it.
    • Michelangelo (Virus:DOS/Michelangelo) is a computer virus first discovered on 4 February 1991 in Australia. Each year, the virus remained dormant until March 6, the birthday of Renaissance artist Michelangelo.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
  South Korea 코드: 안티테제 Code: Antithese
