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Nome Rena
Arma Arco
Idade Desconhecida (Base) > Desconhecida (1ª Classe) > Desconhecida (2ª Classe)
Linhagem Rena > Arqueira de Elite > Mestra Arqueira
Rena > Arqueira de Combate > Dama dos Ventos
Rena > Arqueira de Caça > Guardiã da Noite
Dubladores File:Korean flag1.gif 정미숙 Jeong Mi Sok
堀江 由衣 Horie Yui
Jullie Vasconcelos



Além de ser uma excelente atiradora, Rena pode convocar elementos da natureza para seus ataques mágicos. Ao ser emboscada por seus inimigos, não há problemas para ela e seus incríveis chutes. Sua leveza a permite dar grandes saltos, e em conexão com a natureza, sua energia se recupera com facilidade.

Habilidades Especiais

Artigo Principal: Características da Rena
As habilidades especiais da Rena permitem que ela dê um pulo duplo e recupere MP enquanto parada. Ela também pode disparar flechas mágicas com o seu arco.


Rena é uma elfa habitante do mundo dos mortais. Sua presença neste mundo fora ameaçada pelo despertar de El, a poderosa pedra responsável pelo equilíbrio e energia de tudo e todos, incluindo a conexão com seu mundo natal, o Reino dos Elfos. Com o fim desse poder, os laços que ligam esses dois planos desapareceriam, assim como Rena. Ela então se une a Elsword e Aisha e passam a viajar pelo mundo em busca das El perdida – utiliza de suas habilidades como arqueira para proteger seus novos companheiros.

Primeiro Avanço de Classe

Three of the Subclasses you can choose from.

É necessário estar no level 15 com a Rena para iniciar a primeira mudança de classe.


  1. Complete 2-4 em qualquer dificuldade.
  2. Elimine 7 Mickeys em 2-3 no Muito Difícil.
  3. Converse com Hoffman em Elder.
  4. Complete 2-4 Difícil.

Depois de completar o teste preparatório, Rena pode decidir entre avançar para Arqueira de Elite, Arqueira de Combate, ou Arqueira de Caça.

Clique no nome das classes para ver o que precisa ser feito para ir além da Arqueira.
Arqueira de Elite Arqueira de Combate Arqueira de Caça

Árvore de Habilidades

  • BR
Skills Passives
[Create a bond and use the new skills!]
Changes to   if Married.
Changes to   if Partnered.
    Level 1
        Level 5
        Level 10
        Level 15
      Level 20
  • Skill Traits unlocked at Level 20.
  • Final Enhanced Skill unlocked upon advancing to 1st job class.

|-| KR= Skill Tree: RangerKR


Combo Description Damage Multiplier
     Basic 4 kick combo . 110%(P) + 130%(P) + 130%(P) + 190%(P)
      Basic 3 kick combo, followed by a upperkick that sends targets quite a distance. 110%(P) + 130%(P) + 130%(P) + 240%(P)
     Basic 3 kick combo, followed by a quick dodge behind targets and shooting a arrow that knocks targets down. 110%(P) + 130%(P) + 130%(P) + 190%(M)[6MP]
     Fires 2 arrows, followed by a backflip and shooting 2 shots and ending the combo with a final shot that knocks targets down. 170%(M)[4MP] + 170%(M)[4MP] + (2)100%(M)[8MP] + 250%(M)[4MP]
      Fires 2 arrows, followed by a backflip and shooting 2 shots and ending the combo with a upwards shot of 3 arrows. 170%(M)[4MP] + 170%(M)[4MP] + (2)100%(M)[8MP] + 210%(M) and (2)170%(M)[15MP]
      Fires 2 arrows, followed by a backflip and shooting 2 shots and ending the combo with a downwards shot of 3 arrows. 170%(M)[4MP] + 170%(M)[4MP] + (2)100%(M)[8MP] + 210%(M) and (2)170%(M)[15MP]
   Single jump kick. 120%(P)
   Single jump shot. 170%(M)[4MP]
    Slides into targets and kicks them up into the air. 130%(P) + 200%(P)
   Dodge behind targets and shoot an arrow that knocks targets down. 170%(M)[6MP]
    While in midair, do a forward kick. After landing on the ground, Rena will still continue running as you are holding  .
  • 7/4/2013 KR
    • This combo will no longer knock down and push targets instead gives hit stun.
      While in midair, shoots 2 arrows and ends the combo with a shot of 3 arrows. 170%(M)[4MP] + 170%(M)[4MP] + (3)170%(M)[12MP]
   or  While double jumping, does a diving kick downwards. 220%(P)




  • Rena is known for her very large breast size, often bouncing or jiggling in some of her stances (ie- Sniping Ranger's Non-combat Idle Stance). The teaser trailer for Trapping Ranger displayed this movement with her portrait, as well. Also, upon advancing to Grand Archer, Wind Sneaker or Night Watcher, her breasts become notably larger.
    • In ElType, a running gag shows Aisha to be envious towards Rena's breast size; in Volume 4, while Aisha was still flat-chested (and was displeased about it) as an Elemental Master, she became even more upset upon seeing Grand Archer Rena's larger chest size.
  • Rena is a jack of all trades, with the ability to utilize a ranged weapon, physical kicks and wind, nature and fire magic. Grand Archer also has ice magic and Trapping Ranger possesses a melee weapon, and both have traps. Additionally, most, if not all of her classes, have considerable combo ability, attack power, buffs and debuffs, agility, defense piercing, elemental resistance, and mana regeneration.
  • Rena's age is listed as unknown due to her race; Elves are known to live far longer than humans. In Volume 1 of ElType, Rena mentions that when she was Elsword and Aisha's size, their Great-Great Grandfathers hadn't even been born.
  • Rena does not have a "true" back story as her synopsis refers to her race rather than her character.
  • According to Raven, Rena greatly resembles his deceased fiancee, Seris.
  • During the development of the game, Rena was originally named Lire, whom was based off of a character with the same name in a separate MMO created by KoG called Grand Chase.
    • This idea was scrapped due to copyright reasons as both games were hosted by different companies.
  • Along with Elsword and Aisha Rena's Promotional Weapon also changes a little with Awakening Mode.
  • Due to the revamp during 12/13, Rena's arrows now restore the same amount of MP it cost to shoot.
